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I have a Pharm offer, I sent mine 10th of November and got it late December. C in advanced higher maths.
i recieved a conditional for biomedical science at RGU, i need a B in a higher. My mate got a unconditional for pharmacy but im sure she is jst bout to tel u all bout it!
Reply 3
Who's your friend? I wonder why is RGU taking such a looooooooooooooooooong time to reply to offers.. Hurmm..
Reply 4
Hey, lol :smile: , im the friend!!!
Thanks for the props Ay! Dirty Boy!
Reply 5
has your friend got her offer yet?
Reply 6
Not yet! She got an offer from Strathclyde though but RGU is her first choice. What's your offer from Strathclyde and how did you manage to get an unconditonal offer from RGU? Wow!
Reply 7
a B in AH chem, i thot that was a wee bit harsh tho, coz i only narrowly missed an A in higher. I got ABBBB in higher, and i phoned them every week to check progress. I think that it showed them that I was committed. I was ssssssoooooooooooo pleased. Is your friend a member of TSR. will be good to chat with her.
Reply 8
a B in AH chem, i thot that was a wee bit harsh tho, coz i only narrowly missed an A in higher. I got ABBBB in higher, and i phoned them every week to check progress. I think that it showed them that I was committed. I was ssssssoooooooooooo pleased. Is your friend a member of TSR. will be good to chat with her.

So does this mean that you are going to RGU? or just keeping RGU as a backup? Nope. My friend is not in TSR but I'm her eyes and hands here. :p:
Reply 9
Persuade her to join, lol.
Well, id love to go there, and the only thing that is stopping me replying now is a possible offer from Aberdeen to do medicine. But because my grades dont meet the requirements, ill 95% be going to RGU.
P.S, what are you going to study at bristol?
Reply 10
hey BouncyB and Ay! Dirty Boy! lol!!! niiice names!!! i got a conditional 4 RGU :biggrin: lol...yeh i kno u kno, but i thot id tel every1 else lol!!
luvn ya signature btw B!! lol! xxxx
Anyone heard of napier university?
Reply 12
hey BouncyB and Ay! Dirty Boy! lol!!! niiice names!!! i got a conditional 4 RGU :biggrin: lol...yeh i kno u kno, but i thot id tel every1 else lol!!
luvn ya signature btw B!! lol! xxxx

Isn't it just the same as yours? :p:
Reply 13
Ay! Dirty Boy!
Anyone heard of napier university?

of course...its in edinburgh ryt? lol
Reply 14
Isn't it just the same as yours? :p:

well spotted, thtz cos i made hers 2, clever me! lol!
mine's startin 2 get on ma nerves tho...:rolleyes:

:biggrin: jus 2 remind u nairn folk....its nearly my birthday woopwoop
Reply 15
Persuade her to join, lol.

She would love to join TSR but she can't get online regularly. Her dad's a bit strict. Therefore, I'm here to post on her behalf! lol :p:
Reply 16
Persuade her to join, lol.
Well, id love to go there, and the only thing that is stopping me replying now is a possible offer from Aberdeen to do medicine. But because my grades dont meet the requirements, ill 95% be going to RGU.
P.S, what are you going to study at bristol?

My offer from Bristol is for Economics and Accounting. Didn't apply any uni up north/ Scotland cos I can't stand the cold! :eek:
Reply 17
its not always cold in scotland!! wel....maybe this far up it is but im sure englands not much better lol!
Reply 18
lol, its no colder than england! (used to live there)
Reply 19
blurboy, what country is your friend from, because i recall you said she was an international student.