Thats what I used to think, but that aroma it makes tempted me to start eating it... Now I can't get enough of it, and at £1.79 for M&S liver, bacon and mashed potato, you can't go wrong!!
I got some cheap ones recently and not only were they rank, but I felt really uncomfortable with microwaving the meat (did i say meat? I meant reformed rubbery stuff).
I think I'd rather have a jacket potato if I'm in a microwavey mood.
Thats what I used to think, but that aroma it makes tempted me to start eating it... Now I can't get enough of it, and at £1.79 for M&S liver, bacon and mashed potato, you can't go wrong!!
Ew! No way! Eurgh, just the thought of it..... no.
I got some cheap ones recently and not only were they rank, but I felt really uncomfortable with microwaving the meat (did i say meat? I meant reformed rubbery stuff).
I think I'd rather have a jacket potato if I'm in a microwavey mood.
lol, how cheap?
I remember getting cheap Tesco shepherds pies before and they were disgusting...
Theres HUGE difference between cheap ready meals and M&S ready meals!
I got some cheap ones recently and not only were they rank, but I felt really uncomfortable with microwaving the meat (did i say meat? I meant reformed rubbery stuff).
hehe the only problem is that they make a bit of a mess...
They annoyingly pack cottage pies in foil trays, which of course you have to remove for the microwave, and so you've got to put it in another container of 'similar dimensions', and all i have its plates and bowls, so i put it on a dessert plate thingy... Then when it started to cook the meat filling started to pour out of the bottom and the microwave started electrocuting it lol... so you've got to put several layers of cling film over the top, and it ends up a a very disfigured cottage pie indeed...
hehe the only problem is that they make a bit of a mess...
They annoyingly pack cottage pies in foil trays, which of course you have to remove for the microwave, and so you've got to put it in another container of 'similar dimensions', and all i have its plates and bowls, so i put it on a dessert plate thingy... Then when it started to cook the meat filling started to pour out of the bottom and the microwave started electrocuting it lol... so you've got to put several layers of cling film over the top...
Take a small sized casserole dish with you next time, that's what I use to do them.
Well, being in catered I haven't really bothered with things like that as I rarely attempt to cook/use the microwave...
Yeah I know the feeling. We're not catered at the weekend though, so I've got used to cooking in the microwave. It's alright, but bloody annoying sometimes, when you have to do things like pasta; it takes about half an hour 'cause it keeps boiling over.
ready meals are coolif you can not cook just yet or you get home late and you can not really be really aresd cooking at all then it good to have a ready meal in the house or at uni or college
Sorry but i hate them right now... i just remembered the last time i had one... it did not agree with my stomach and ended up looking like something my dog puked up but it was i who did the deed!