Can anybody comment on either of these colleges in Oxford. Also, i would not mind views on hertford and st. peters and balliol. any views would be greatly appreciated.
Can anybody comment on either of these colleges in Oxford. Also, i would not mind views on hertford and st. peters and balliol. any views would be greatly appreciated.
St John's: Rich, bit stuck up, not overly friendly. New: Quiet, pretty, little bit dull, quite academic. Meton: Super, super academic. Lights out by 11. Hertford: Generally quite cool, very central, pretty, maybe a it quiet. St Peter's: Poor, not very attractive, and Jools is there so definitely a no-no. Balliol: Ancient, leftie college. Acadmeic but still cool. Central. Very competitive.
St John's: Rich, bit stuck up, not overly friendly. New: Quiet, pretty, little bit dull, quite academic. Meton: Super, super academic. Lights out by 11. Hertford: Generally quite cool, very central, pretty, maybe a it quiet. St Peter's: Poor, not very attractive, and Jools is there so definitely a no-no. Balliol: Ancient, leftie college. Acadmeic but still cool. Central. Very competitive.
Its true, the beauty did go to balliol (read classics). Despite this, balliol is still known as being lefty. Balliol is fabulous, I have a couple of mates going there, and I love it - great buildings and flowers and from what i saw the people were fab too.
I have a mate who applied to Johns, so I visited there and it was also nice, but, hmm, I think I prefered balliol. Not sure why though, sorry! I saw new college briefly and thought about applying there too (tony benn went there, woo!), it is so beautiful, i love the old colleges... in terms of 'look' my favourites are merton and new college. I also heard that about merton being v. academic though.
I also have a mate at peters, and she's loving it... she reckons it's the most social of the colleges, and not at all as academic. It's also not as competitive as the others on the list. Oh, and hertford is the college of Evelyn Waugh, so fit.
St Peter's: Poor, not very attractive, and Jools is there so definitely a no-no.
St Johns: Huge - Largest college in uni I think. Also the richest. And the cheapest. Good academically but often a lot more work / pressure. New: Awesome. Came 3rd in academic table, nice large castle, great bops, fairly involved in uni scene. Merton: Notoriously over-academic, the reward being consistently top of the Norrington table. According to Tagzt the students work insanely hard without much pressure from tutors. Hertford: Awesome. Lots of pressure for some subjects. But nice location etc. St Peter's: Smack in the centre, right next to student union and Ox Union. Very laid back, little academic pressure. Small and modern buildings. Balliol: Prestigious, good reputation, academic, nice buildings, pretty big, cheap.
Can anybody comment on either of these colleges in Oxford. Also, i would not mind views on hertford and st. peters and balliol. any views would be greatly appreciated.
St Johns: Strong competition to get in. Probably best facilities of any college. Likes to promote the 'work hard/play hard' idea/myth.
New: Have the impression it is slightly maverick re admissions. Nice buildings. Retains a certain 'posh' set.
Merton: Students get a good deal, tutorial side of things is strong. Genuinely academic in its strong subjects. Doesn't seem quite as dull as reputation suggests.
Hertford: Great location.
St Peters: Convenient for bus station. 'Sixth form' atmosphere.
Balliol: See hildabeast's comments above - spot on - plus it is probably the least formal college - no formal hall etc.