The Student Room Group

Time to see a doctor?

My football coach encouraged us to do some sit-ups to strengthen our abdominals recently (a few weeks back).

The first night I did them I noticed my coccyx (your tailbone right at the bottom of the back) hurt a bit the next day. It was really minor pain though, and I didn't think anything of it. I did them again the next night- had no problems, so continued to do them.

After that, the pain came back, only much much worse. It has been with me for over two weeks now. I can't even lie on my front in bed or get up from sitting down that easily. It hurts to move and to touch.

I'm debating whether to see the doctor. I would, but chances are all they will be able to say is that it's probably bruised and I should rest it. It's also a bit of a trek for me to get to a doctor, so I'm not sure if it's worth it just to hear someone rephrase my original suspicions. On the other hand, it's been suggested that I might have dislocated it or something. Can you dislocate bones from doing sit-ups?
Reply 1
I would advise you to see a doctor. What may seem a small problem may actually be much bigger.
Reply 2
Don't see a doctor. They will tell you to take painkillers and that's it, trust me.

Go to a physiotherapist. They know what to look for in coccyxs and he noticed mine was too curvbed when he wasn't even looking at my coccyx.
Reply 3
Is there a chance it isn't bruised and it's gonna take a bit longer to heal?
Reply 4
Is there a chance it isn't bruised and it's gonna take a bit longer to heal?

Theres always a chance. They can also advise you on how to help with bruising if it is just bruising.
Reply 5
Theres always a chance. They can also advise you on how to help with bruising if it is just bruising.

Thanks :smile:
Can you see a physio without going through a doctor though? I thought you had to be referred, at least that's how I got to see the physio. I could be wrong, but it might be worth going to see the doctor even just to get a referral to the physio.
Reply 7
If it is really bothering you then I would advice that you go and see a doctor just so that you can be sure that there is nothing seriously wronge.
Reply 8
You can't see a physio without being referred by a doctor, like tritogeneia1 said.

If you've had pain for 2 weeks then the doctor shouldn't just fob you off with painkillers. If he/she does, tell him/her that you want it to be looked at properly. Be assertive - don't leave until you've got proper answers and reasons as to what could be causing the pain. (Don't get aggresive though). :smile:

Reply 9
Ask your football coach if it's worth seeing a doctor first if you're not sure. He or she will have a good idea how badly it's damaged, if at all. But it's best to seek specialist help, because a problem left untreated can become very painful later on!
Reply 10
if i do situps on very hard surfaces my coccyx normally starts to hurt after 1 or 2 and so i just stop. i guess if i carried on it would become more painful and stuff. doing them on soft surfaces seems to be fine (even if that just means wearing a thicker top or something). but if its a problem then dont do them in training anymore. and yes, after 2 weeks you should really see a doctor.
Reply 11
I thought you maybe couldnt just go to a physiotherapist.

I'll probably go along next week just to make sure it isn't anything a bit more serious.

Thanks! :smile: