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Mixture of both really..
Reply 3
Mix of both, though i would say more boys than girls oddly enough which can make it difficult when i want those girly chats
My friends are a mixture. Used to just be girls when I was at school, but at uni I made loadsa guy friends as well!

It's great got the girls to go shoppin with and have girly nights out, and the boys to watch the football with! Best of both worlds!
Reply 5
a mix of both but probably mostly guys. Although, my closest friends though they are few and far between are mostly girls
UMM mix of both but more girls I reckon and my closest mates are girls
Reply 7
There's an even mixture but my best friend is a female.
mixture of both, but more females
Mixture of both but a majority are female. I go to an all girls school so I guess that making friends with girls is easier since you see them everyday.
Reply 10
I have close female and male friends, but I probably have more male friends.
Mixture of both, more female friends, but I'm closer to my male friends, I think. Bit weird, but I find them easier to talk to. Possibly because they're a bit older, and there isn't the rivalry/ jealousy that seems to be present sometimes with female friends, now the time's come for uni applications, and boyfriends etc..
Reply 12
Mostly guys, very few girls in my physics maths or chemistry classes and i find guys more relaxed and open than girls generally. my best friend is a girl though, think you need both.
Reply 13
My friends are mostly guys as i seem to get on better with them. But, my best friends are a girl and a guy.
Reply 14
I have mostly male friends; I tend to just clash with girls. Having said that, my closest friend is a lesbian :smile:
both, i think u need a mix. But i seem to get on better with my guy mates
2 best friends are girls.

School is a mixture of guys and girls. I love the guys and feel more comfortable around them, yet chat away to the girls. I just find them so, so bitchy that I can't be comfortable in that environment at all.
i have mainly girl mates, but they are very chilled out girl mates. I have some guy friends but my friends say guys and girls can not be just mates coz one party always wants more (like a relationship), i think the verdict is still out on that one, lol!
Just wondering,

All my friends are guys, i am straight tho!

About 80% are girls, but my closest friends are guys. I find it easier to make friends with girls than guys & most of the time prefer their company. Not sure why that is :confused: but hey, it could be worse :wink:
Reply 19
A definate mixture. Our group is the most mixed out of the year I think really...
I am gay and that makes a difference I think...