The Student Room Group

How do I get over him, or what can I do about it?

There's this guy in college, a year older than me. Ever since I first saw him in college and every time since, I just felt like there's something really special about him... It's not just lust. He is really, really cute, and seems fun, smart and interesting, and I can tell he's as amazing on the inside as he is on the outside. It's like, when I see him, I want to be with him and If I could everything would be alright for a change.

But, he's straight, and he has a girlfriend, and I wouldn't and couldn't steal someone else's boyfriend. I've never spoke to him, and I wouldn't know how to.

He seems familiar too, like I know him or something, I know we went to the same high school but he was in the year above me, I didn't look at boys then and never really saw him much. I learned his name when I saw his myspace, but I don't really know much about him or what to do...
well i think if he is straight then theres not much point on you dwelling on him. i think the best thing that you could do would to try to get him out of your head. go out with your friends or find something to take your mind off him.
on another not i noticed your from wigan do you happen to go to winstanley college?
Reply 2
Yup I do...
when i was there last year they did a club for gay and lesbians i cant remember what it was called but it had pink in the title. something like pink breakfast or something like that try going to that if it is still around
Talk to him on MYSpace, become friendly... And see how things develop from there.
Reply 5
to get over one guy, get under another.

^ Nice philosophy... I'll adapt it to the female gender.
Reply 7
michellehall: yeah they had one of those at the start of the year, I haven't heard anything about it since but I heard they were organising a trip to Canal Street for people who went.

pumpkin7: it's not that simple. It's hard to talk to any, and I'm not just looking for someone to shag ¬_¬
not meaning to stereotype or generalise but there were alot of gay people at college when i was there and talkin to them may help you. i dont mean to just find a shag but to find people who are going through the same thing you are. i dont really suggest you go and find some other bloke just to get over another because it wont mean anything and you could end up regretting it. this will probably be more difficult for you than most people crushes because you cant turn a straight man gay but hey you never know he could be bisexual or not have found himself yet
oh and enquire about the trip to canal street if your interested student reception are very helpful and will have all the information you need