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Get some sleep. For 6 hours of exams you're going to need the stamina.
Reply 2
You must be joking. You'd probably fail both exams tomorrow if you have no sleep!
Reply 3
I'd definatly say sleep. If you don't sleep tonight you're concentration and attention tomorrow will be ziltch. It won't be worth the extra revision you did because you're brain won't be functioning well enough to answer any quetions coherantly.
I studied sleep deprivation in psychology a few months back, a study showed that memory loss after missing just 8 hours sleep was 45%.

Best thing you can do it have a nice cup of horlicks, lay in bed for and watch tv or listen to music for a while to chill you're brain out. Have a good nights sleep and read through your work again quickly before your exam. :smile:

Good luck whatever you choose to do :wink:
Reply 4
Definately get the sleep.

Go to bed early and consider waking up a bit earlier to do some work beforehand, BUT not too much, or you'll overload your brain.
Reply 5
I stayed up nearly all night doing a piece of coursework once, needless to say I failed, staying up all night is a bad move, you'll only be exhausted for your exams tomorrow, and you won't think so well, go to bed, just close your eyes and you'll feel tired soon, failing that, travel sickness pills help get you to sleep, you might have difficulty waking up again, but you should be fine otherwise,, and you feel fresh and ready for your exams. Crammings all well and good but if you haven't learnt what you need to by now, you won't do it in an all nighter

i have 2 exams tomorrow, and i cant decide btw sleep, or coffee and study. both are 3 hours long. what do i do?

I spent the best part of 3 days awake studying and doing exams as I had three consecutive days of Uni exams. Anyhows, bugger the poll as everyone's different. Get off TSR and start studying and see how you feel at midnight or so, ie. see how progress you've made and decide if you need to do any more work or how beneficial it would be. Good luck with your exams.
Reply 7
I stayed up for some university exams last summer and it got me some vital marks, and although most people seem to recommend against it I would stay up- you can go to sleep straight after the exams.
Reply 8
during my GCSE's I was so panicky that I virtually stayed up every night to 01:30-02:00 in the morning but I did get enough sleep and did well thankfully but it is best to get enough sleep I did earlier this week for my psychology exam which went well too what would we do without sleep
Reply 9
Its pointless you will be too tired to the exam properly.
Sometimes it is worth the extra revision i say do an hour before and an hour in the morning
Reply 11
Reply 12
Woops clicked the wrong button. :smile: I answered the poll by reading the threadtitle... :rolleyes:

If you know your stuff, sleep and get up early. If you don't, study and sleep 2 hours (not more or you'll be tired all day).
Reply 13
read some stuff and sleep........doing work is fine but before4 an exam no way- you will feel like sh*t during your exam and not think clearly....staying up to get a piece of work done is different.....if worst comes to worst can you resit? But study up till midnight then just sleep and maybe a bit on way to exam........if you have past papers then just grab a fistful fo markschemes and read them
Reply 14
Better to get a good night's sleep than to try and cram; i'm always in bed by 10.30 on exam nights......
Reply 15

i have 2 exams tomorrow, and i cant decide btw sleep, or coffee and study. both are 3 hours long. what do i do?

A few years ago I was at home in Orlando and sat up boozing till 1:00am before going to bed. The alarm went off at 4:00am and I got up, ready, and took a cab to the airport where I took a 6:00am flight to Pittsburgh. I picked up my car at the airport their and drove into the city to find some obscure college had time for a quick cup of coffee and then went in and sat a 3hr law exam.

Amazingly I passed but as you might expect it was a rather miserable "scrape through"

That's my personal record for exhibiting utter contempt for examinations but I wouldn't recommend you try it. :biggrin:
Sleep. If you don't know the answers now, you won't tomorrow. You can do it with coursework, but not with exams.
Reply 17
during my GCSE's I was so panicky that I virtually stayed up every night to 01:30-02:00 in the morning but I did get enough sleep and did well thankfully but it is best to get enough sleep I did earlier this week for my psychology exam which went well too yadda yadda yadda

Reply 18
I have 3 exams next week and I haven't revised for any of them. Tomorrow and Saturday are going to be cramming sessions, with sunday off to rest my brain!

As for coursework, I did an all-nighter on a horrible essay a few weeks back and I ended up getting 58 on it! Wooo