Ok, I'd like to alert you to the fact that this will seem childish.
Ok, I'm at Uni, and my problem concerns a guy. There's a guy at Uni whom I knew prior to starting there. Known him for almost two years now. We fell out a year ago, and it wasnt 'til we bumped into each other that we put our differences aside. We'd been getting on really well before this, been on dates etc.
So, we get on really well during term-time at uni. Constantly texting, going to same bars and clubs etc with our separate groups of friends etc. However, we get home and he's completely cold and distant. me up with him at a club 2 days after we broke up. I was with my friends, he with his. We get on okay, but I get the impression somethings bugging him. I bought him a little present for xmas, nothing huge. He was working in his dads bar, so i popped it in to him on xmas eve. He text me back thanking me, saying that it was really sweet, but he was really embarrased cos he hadnt got me anything. Cant see why he was so shocked that I'd got him something. Anyways, we meet the week later in the same club. He ets pissed off cos I was talkin to a guy (a friend, who happens to be gay anyway!) and, although rather drunk, didnt seem to mind making it obvios that he was mildly jealous.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I text him new years day. Wished him happy n-y and merely asked if he'd had a good night and how e'd spent the evening. He still hasnt replied!
Now I'm only asking advice because I'm genuinely astonished that this has happened, when we were getting on so well. I mean, he'd always initiate texting etc last term, I'm not deluding myself.
Thre's a start-of-term ball on feb 1st. I know he's going because we all bought the tickets in a bi group. We havent exactly fallen out, but I simply dont get why he's done this. Therefore, what do I say when I next see him? And Should I even mention it? We're gonna come into contact for sure, as our groups mix/socialise together.