The Student Room Group
How old are you?

I'm 18, anything gets me aroused! Raging hormones and whatnot.....
Just dont get so bladdered next time!
Reply 2
My ability to get an erection. If i've been out for a night binge drinking my minds all over the place and i can't get an erection. Once i got a girl home from a club... i was pissed... about to have sex but couldn't get it up... kinda embarrassin.

Any other guys like this? Or girls had a pissed guy about to have sex with but couldn't do it?

Thats one positive for me being T-Total, Same Fun less of the side effects :p:
Reply 3
I find it quite difficult to not get aroused when pished.
I find it quite difficult to not get aroused when pished.

Enjoy it whilst it lasts young man.... the first time you cant get it up, even for 5 minutes.. will haunt you forever!

Luckily I was alone at the time... and i had been awake for 50 hours straight...
If you get ABSOLUTELY WASTED, it does become a lot more difficult to get it up. The solution being, don't get wasted if you're planning on having sex.
Reply 6
Enjoy it whilst it lasts young man.... the first time you cant get it up, even for 5 minutes.. will haunt you forever!

Luckily I was alone at the time... and i had been awake for 50 hours straight...

Oh, okay, I lie. Once, it happened, after hitting the absinthe and turning over to FTV at 4:30am... awful, awful, awful.