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Help writing a "pick me for the exchange" essay

I have been at this for weeks and am still struggling. Everything I write sounds so contrived and Miss World style ("I want to help the kids and promote world peace" lol)>

The guidelines I've been given for the essay (only has to be 1 typed page) are:-

"Produce a statement of purpose indicating why you wish to study in the USA, and why you think you would be a suitable student to take part in the scheme. You need to demonstrate that you will enhance the institution to which you are assigned and what advantages you envisage for yourself from a period in the USA"

I am really stumped. What makes me more suitable than anyone else? And how am I going to enhance a far flung school in America?!

Help :frown:
Reply 1
A few suggestions - you can think about how they might apply to you and your course:

Why do you want to study abroad? Generally, studying abroad leads to academic opportunities - generally broadening horizons, taking a comparative approach to critically reassess how things are done at home, experiencing new learning techniques - and personal development, coping with an alien environment, becoming more adaptable and independent...

How does the exchange fit in with your degree? Will it help you go in a particular direction in your studies or career?

Why America? Why this university? Show you've researched the university you want to go to - express particular enthusiasm for a course you would like to take when you are there, or maybe a well-known professor.

how am I going to enhance a far flung school in America?!

How do you contribute to your current university? Do you know lots of people? Do you get involved in stuff? What are your interests? What activities do you participate in at home? Enhancing the university is about (1) academic performance, (2) engaging with the people you meet there so they also get to benefit from the cultural exchange, (3) getting involved while you're there, participating in extracurricular activities...

You could also say a bit about how your character will help you cope - how confident, mature, adaptable or whatever you are...

I'd say it's a lot like a personal statement, and you might want to let your personality come through. Will it be assessed at your home university or the one you want to go to (that might make a difference)?

If you think about it, they're looking for a motivated student who'll integrate well and really make the most of being there. They'll see your grades separately, so I'd focus on showing that I've thought carefully about my plans, will be able to adapt well and am very enthusiastic. Good luck.
Finally some help!!!

It's not for any one specific university so that poses a problem because I can't mention why any one uni appeals to me, it's a bit like UCAS I suppose in that I've put 5 choices down. The essay initially goes to a co-ordinator at my uni who reviews it and then decides if I can go forward.

I'm not terribly involved in any clubs or anything like that at uni - if I'm honest I hate the uni I'm at and try to spend as little time on campus as possible so I can't say I'm head of the SU or the Young UN or anything like that!
Have you looked at all the Universities websites and worked out which ones you are going to apply to? And with your application proceedure, is this essay the one that will go forward to the US universities or is it just an internal application to see if you can be part of the programme?
material breach
Have you looked at all the Universities websites and worked out which ones you are going to apply to? And with your application proceedure, is this essay the one that will go forward to the US universities or is it just an internal application to see if you can be part of the programme?

Yeah I'm applying to Virginia Tech, University of Tennessee, University of Kentucky, Louisiana State University and Bellarmine University. I'm not sure whether this essay is the one that gets used for the formal application direct to the universities but I guess it's possible (there is an essay involved in that too so they might force me to use the same one).

I'm studying Irish History and in my 3rd year plan to focus my dissertation on some aspect of Irish emmigration to USA so I was going to mention that as one of my motivations for applying. I'm struggling with the bigging myself up - you know the way you have to on the UCAS form like "wow I'm so fab pick me".
Why you want to go:
The Irish immigration thing.
The benifits of studying under a different education system.
If any of the Universities you have mentioned have particularly strong History departments I would mention this.
Chance to experience a different culture (obviously not using those words tho)

Why you would be a sutiable student:
Your hardworking? mention grades if they strengthen your application
devoted to your subject - make up some evidence..

Enchance the institution:
What skills do you feel you have? Are you friendly and easy going?
Are you going to fit easily? i.e try and emphasis personality atributes if you havent done a lot at uni. Also if there is anything relevant before uni you did at school mention that.

Improve you skills in the subject
Allow you see whether you would like to carry on studing abroad after uni.
maybe give you a chance to travel in america too
Reply 6
Talking a bit about your proposed research sounds promising - that might make your application stand out from the others, and show you're going to make serious academic use of the experience. I think that if you are going to be writing about emigration to America, it makes very good sense for you to have spent time there. You could say there are specific courses (maybe one that's offered in all the universities) that you want to study in preparation for your dissertation.

Have you a particular interest in America? (You plan to write about it, you want to study there, etc.) If so, tell them.

Even if you're not involved in stuff at university, I think I'd still mention my interests outside college, to show what a well-rounded and capable person you are and give a flavour of your personality.

What do you think is your strongest argument (though you should try to cover them all): academic performance? motivation? personality?
Probably motivation, my coursework grades are high but I'm worried my exam ones won't be too impressive.

Still writing it - planning to mail it off today though!
Aww thank you so much everyone who helped!

I've mailed it off now so fingers crossed. :biggrin:

Will let you know how it goes!