The Student Room Group


Over the past few weeks i have seen so many threads on deppression and feeling down. I have been able to relate to pretty much all of these said threads. Everyone says go and see a doctor or a counsellor. I did. This morning i had an initial appointment with the counselling service. I was really nervous, and even more nervous when i was told that it was a male i was seeing.

I went in, and first he asked me to say how i was feeling, tell him a little bit about myself and what was going on in my life at the moment. Started getting teary eyed at this point. He calmed me down, and then started asking me questions. As the appointment went on, i was able to talk about more without feeling nervous, and it was great to get it all off my chest without thinking that what i say will hurt them (as it may family and friends).

At the end, he suggested i should see someone once a week for the next 8 weeks (which is common short course at my uni), and suggested a group meeting (for people who don't like groups :p:) and some workshops. I don't have to do any of it, but they may help.

If feel better having gotten it all out in the open, with just someone i don't know to talk to. And i have a female counsellor for the 8 sessions. I'm not writing this to get an ego boost and congratulations because i went. I'm writing this to let people know that it isn't so bad going to confide in someone. They are there to listen to you. I know it's hard to go, i nearly didn't when i woke up this morning. But if you feel depressed or down, maybe you could take these first steps too.
Reply 1
I way prefer talking to men about how I feel. But its all about personal prefernece, so nice one for going!
I hope they help you and help you work out your problems.
Same here, I prefer chatting to men about my feelings, I dont know why. Well done for going and I'm glad you're getting it all sorted out. Everyone needs someone to talk to. :hugs:
Reply 3
wow.. this is exactly why i want to become a counsellor, glad your feeling better :smile:
Reply 4
wow.. this is exactly why i want to become a counsellor, glad your feeling better :smile:

It seems a really hard job, i wouldn't want to put up with listening to me. All the best with it. :smile:
Reply 5
Thats really good to read, well done for going. I remember being terrified when I met my person for the first time, but the inital appointment is the worst then it gets easier as you get to know each other. At first its really scary and embarassing, but then it becomes ok as you get used to it and begin to trust them. I've seen men and women in the past, some were great and some were rubbish. It just depends on personal preference really and if you 'click' at feeling comfortable with someone. Hope it all goes well and you get what you need out of it. Can you extend after the 8 sessions if you need to? As thats not very long at all.
Reply 6
Thats really good to read, well done for going. I remember being terrified when I met my person for the first time, but the inital appointment is the worst then it gets easier as you get to know each other. At first its really scary and embarassing, but then it becomes ok as you get used to it and begin to trust them. I've seen men and women in the past, some were great and some were rubbish. It just depends on personal preference really and if you 'click' at feeling comfortable with someone. Hope it all goes well and you get what you need out of it. Can you extend after the 8 sessions if you need to? As thats not very long at all.

Thank you. :smile: I think you can. But i am changing uni at the end of the year, so may have to start it up again at my new uni if i still need it. You'd think you would be allowed more sessions if you felt you needed it. Hope so.
Reply 7
Over the past few weeks i have seen so many threads on deppression and feeling down. I have been able to relate to pretty much all of these said threads. Everyone says go and see a doctor or a counsellor. I did. This morning i had an initial appointment with the counselling service. I was really nervous, and even more nervous when i was told that it was a male i was seeing.

I went in, and first he asked me to say how i was feeling, tell him a little bit about myself and what was going on in my life at the moment. Started getting teary eyed at this point. He calmed me down, and then started asking me questions. As the appointment went on, i was able to talk about more without feeling nervous, and it was great to get it all off my chest without thinking that what i say will hurt them (as it may family and friends).

At the end, he suggested i should see someone once a week for the next 8 weeks (which is common short course at my uni), and suggested a group meeting (for people who don't like groups :p:) and some workshops. I don't have to do any of it, but they may help.

If feel better having gotten it all out in the open, with just someone i don't know to talk to. And i have a female counsellor for the 8 sessions. I'm not writing this to get an ego boost and congratulations because i went. I'm writing this to let people know that it isn't so bad going to confide in someone. They are there to listen to you. I know it's hard to go, i nearly didn't when i woke up this morning. But if you feel depressed or down, maybe you could take these first steps too.

Well we do try are best :redface: (Counsellors that is :p: )
Glad to know its worked for you aswell
hey, glad you posted your experience as i'm sure there are many of those of TSR who are worried about what counselling might involved. hope you feel better soon and that it goes ok for you :hugs: x
Reply 9
To the OP: thanks for posting this. I've been really reluctant to go through with counselling, but after a long time of umm-ing and ahh-ing about it, ive got my first appointment on monday. Your reassurance has definitely made me feel better :smile:
Reply 10
How do you go to see a councellor? Sounds a stupid question but I wouldn't know where to look to start with...would I go see the doctor and they refer me or what? I'm having some problems too...different sort of thing though.
Reply 11
How do you go to see a councellor? Sounds a stupid question but I wouldn't know where to look to start with...would I go see the doctor and they refer me or what? I'm having some problems too...different sort of thing though.

Yes you go to see a doctor first and they will usually refer you to one
Reply 12
Ok thanks. I'm really reluctant to go though, I'm worried that they'll just say "yes it's stress, everyone gets it" and I'll feel stupid. It's a huge problem though.

Anyway this is off-topic. Thanks for advice.
Reply 13
Ok thanks. I'm really reluctant to go though, I'm worried that they'll just say "yes it's stress, everyone gets it" and I'll feel stupid. It's a huge problem though.

Anyway this is off-topic. Thanks for advice.

Well its not off topic as such.
Dont worry the doctors wont go "Oh its just stress heres some pills no go away lol"
If you really want counselling they will be happy to refer you to someone
Reply 14
I tried to explain it once to my consultant (which was for a checkup about a totally unrelated condition) and he just said "oh it's stress". I was there in front of 2 fit student medical students, and about 3 other people wandering around the room trying to tell my deepest secrets and he was like "oh it's stress". He did some tests to make sure it wasn't to do with my condition (which is a bowel disease) and it wasn't related, so it's all in my head. See why I'm reluctant to go? :P
Reply 15
I tried to explain it once to my consultant (which was for a checkup about a totally unrelated condition) and he just said "oh it's stress". I was there in front of 2 fit student medical students, and about 3 other people wandering around the room trying to tell my deepest secrets and he was like "oh it's stress". He did some tests to make sure it wasn't to do with my condition (which is a bowel disease) and it wasn't related, so it's all in my head. See why I'm reluctant to go? :P

Whats in your head thoe??? if you dont mind me asking
Reply 16
It would take a looong time to explain, I can't really explain it in short. If I feel like more advice I might make a post about it sometime, but I don't know. You can't really help unless you know what the hell I'm talking about so it doesn't matter.
Reply 17
You can't really help unless you know what the hell I'm talking about so it doesn't matter.

I know i cant, thats why i asked :biggrin:
The explanation could be 2pages long, i wouldn't mind im prepared to read it all :biggrin:
Also if you gota tsr account your welcome to PM me anytime
Reply 18
I might type it all out tomorrow and get my head straight. I need it sorting really. Cheers for your help.
Reply 19
I might type it all out tomorrow and get my head straight. I need it sorting really. Cheers for your help.

Thats ok :smile: Last thing i want is to pressure you into telling me, just wanted to offer my help