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Reply 1
How big are you? If you're above about a DD you'll need a bar!

Mine was the most painful piercing I ever had! The actual being stabbed with a needle was fine, it was just afterwards as you wobble when you walk. And cold weather makes it hurt more.

Check out BME and see if you can spot my story :smile:
Reply 2
Thanks for the link, Juno. Very helpful site :smile: I'm average size so I guess I'd be ok with either?
Reply 3
Yeah, it's whatever you and your piercer prefer. But if your piercer outright refuses to discuss their reasons then don't get it done there. When I was getting my back redone I went to a new place and asked if they could do it, and she said very abruptly that they only use metal when I wanted PTFE. It's there loss as I get a lot of work done!

Do wear a very supportive bra afterwards. I found I even had to sleep in one at first! Some people like to cut a hole in it round where the piercing is so it doesn't press, but I didn't do that.

I would recommend not getting it done yet, as it is still very cold. And I find that the metal sorta conducts the cold right into the middle, which isn't nice!
Reply 4
what's PTFE? Sorry for my stupidity :redface:
Reply 5
It's kinda like plastic. It's bendy, whereas metal is hard.
Reply 6
Ah, or teflon for the non-scientific amongst us :wink: Can I ask why you chose that instead of metal?
Reply 7
This was for my back. I wanted it because you get quite a lot of movement in your back, and surface piercings tend to do better with PTFE. I still haven't found a good piercer to get it done, but I'm trying out Cold Steel soon so we shall see! :biggrin:

For my nipple, I have bog standard 14g titanium.
I'm thinking about getting my nipple pierced, was just wondering if anyone who's had it done could tell me how painful it was (say, in comparison to ears), if it got infected, basically any pros an cons, and whether you think a bar or ring piercing is better.

I know some of you think it's skanky/disgusting etc, don't want to be told that :smile:


Right, okay.

I've got my nipple pierced, I love it; but! - it hurts like hell when you get it done! :eek: I'm not sure if some places numb it first for you.. but the place I had mine done didn't.. hurt so much!

It also took a long time to heal. Like, over a year. Now and again, mostly over winter, it can get infected slightly; but it's nothing that a good clean won't sort out.

I'd get a bar, they look so much nicer, although I did initially have a ring through it :smile:

Hope this has helped!
Reply 9
Right, okay.

I've got my nipple pierced, I love it; but! - it hurts like hell when you get it done! :eek: I'm not sure if some places numb it first for you.. but the place I had mine done didn't.. hurt so much!

It also took a long time to heal. Like, over a year. Now and again, mostly over winter, it can get infected slightly; but it's nothing that a good clean won't sort out.

I'd get a bar, they look so much nicer, although I did initially have a ring through it :smile:

Hope this has helped!

It has, thank you :smile: I'm getting the impression that guys seem to find it more painful than girls, don't know if this is just coincidence...
It has, thank you :smile: I'm getting the impression that guys seem to find it more painful than girls, don't know if this is just coincidence...

We're just wimps.. :biggrin:
Reply 11
Men seem to have smaller nipples though
Reply 12
my ex boyfriend had is done and also a tattoo he was a crying baby when he had the tatoo done and they don't even hurt so i don't know how he reacted to the piercing looked ok though!

guys are more wimpy then girls they are scared of tatoos and piercings its really funny i think!!!
Im a D, they did it with a ring, and it rejected.. dunno if that's why, but anyway.. it ****ing HURT! Not so bad I wouldnt do it again..but for those 10seconds after they started putting the needle in..I was in crippling, nervepiercing pain! :P
I had my chest pierced the same day, as a surface piercing, and that hurt too but not so much.
Nipple's been my most painful, then scaffold, then chest, then lips/labret, then ears..
Reply 14
Why would a girl ever have anything but their ears pierced? I have sensitive teeth :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Reply 15
Why would a girl ever have anything but their ears pierced? I have sensitive teeth :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Why would a girl ever have her ears pierced?!
Reply 16
babe its not a problem..... if you have it numed first it wont realy hurt.. and it will only get infected if you dont play with it and clean it properly ive got both of mine done
I dont understand why people have something against piercings!! I love them.. Admittedly they don't suit everyone, but some people are against even having a second ear piercing!! I just dont get it!

I really want surface piercings, but don't like how they reject pretty quick, most of the time, and so Ive spent alot of money on a v temporary thing!
I'm thinking about getting my nipple pierced, was just wondering if anyone who's had it done could tell me how painful it was (say, in comparison to ears), if it got infected, basically any pros an cons, and whether you think a bar or ring piercing is better.

I know some of you think it's skanky/disgusting etc, don't want to be told that :smile:


I've never felt such pain when I got mine done, I was trying to act cool in front of some of my friends and pretend to them it wasn't hurting, but The words that came out of my mouth!! The tattooist told me hes had bigger men than me in tears having it done before. Which made me feel better, but the thing is, My nips arn't sensitive. You being a girl with sensitive nips would make things a milliontimes more painful i'd imagine.
Reply 19
Thanks for the help everyone. Going in to get it done today - eek!