There is sometimes a medic clique... and it sometimes *really* annoys me. Sometimes medics spend so much time with each other, in their own clubs and societies, that they don't realise what proper universty life is like. Medicine is hard... but so is Biochem and physics etc.
Also, just because medics are around for 5 years and other people are only around for three years isn't a reason only to hang around with medics. Quite a lot of people do masters, spend a year abroad or in industry etc. So there's always loads of people about.
In short, it's nice to have a mixture - medic mates to hang around at medic stuff and others, so your life isn't "medicine medicine, medicine".
I enjoy medicine and can't wait to be a doctor, but when I am I still want to have interests outside that. Becasue I'm involved with lots outside medicine I can prob do that.
Obviously this is just my opinion, and some people may like spending their whole life with other medics - personally it'd drive me CRAZY!!!