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Should i be worried about HIV/Aids? Are you ever concerned?

I was reading a research paper this morning as part of revision. Statistics quoted where:

Estimated 60,000 living with HIV or Aids in the UK (mid 2005).

Estimated that 70% of those cases were acquired outside of the UK.

Of the reaming number acquired in the UK, an estimated 80% is in the African community.

So that leaves about 3600 cases acquired in the UK outside of the African community.

Of those it’s estimated that at the end of 2004, 45% of cases were a result of men having sex with men.

The age groups of 15-24 year olds only accounted for 15% of the cases.

So, in no way am I saying that HIV isn’t an issue in the UK but having read through these statistics it seems that if you are a young Caucasian heterosexual it seems that the statistics indicate that the risk of you coming into contact with HIV under perceived “normal” conditions are very low.

I’ve always been a little paranoid about HIV but now I’m starting to think that I was overly worried. Obviously everyone should still stay as safe as possible and not expose themselves to any health risks but I was wondering how worried or concerned most people are about HIV?

Is it something that is ever on your mind when you think about sexual health?
Reply 1
I'm far more concerned about Chlamydia and other STIs that are more prevalent in our age group than HIV. The risk for HIV is far, far lower.
Use protection. Don't worry. Sorted.
I once read a magazine article written by a woman who had (her only) one night stand in her final year at university, with another student. The condom split. She took emergency contraception and didn't worry too much about it. He seemed like a "nice boy" and not the sort to be carrying any nasty infections. A few years later she was in a relationship with another man and they wanted to stop using condoms, so they went to a sexual health clinic, got themselves tested and discovered she was HIV positive. If it can happen to middle class, educated people who are being responsible and using protection, it could happen to anyone. The most you can do to protect yourself is to make sure you and your partner are both tested for STIs before you start having sex, and realistically, how many people do that? And even if you do, you're still relying on your partner not to cheat.

Yes, it's very unlikely to happen, but how far you go to protect yourself really depends on which risks you're prepared to take and which risks you aren't. I didn't get tested for STIs before having sex with my ex-boyfriend (although I have been tested since) but I'd known him since I was 14 and knew exactly where he'd been. The older you get, the greater the risks will be, because you will both have had more partners.
I think it's natural to be somewhat concerned about it as it's prevalent in society and is so easily contracted. I don't let it rule my life though!

Stay safe and use a condom...takes a lot of the worry out of it!
Reply 5
I think it's natural to be somewhat concerned about it as it's prevalent in society and is so easily contracted. I don't let it rule my life though!

Stay safe and use a condom...takes a lot of the worry out of it!

:ditto: It's something that's in the back of my mind but I don't make a big deal out of it. I could get hit by a bus every time I cross the road but the chances are very slim as long as I'm careful so don't let it affect the things that I do.