The Student Room Group
just finished my january exams and want to apply for internships for the summer, have i missed most deadlines and is it too late?

Research research research. No, there are still q. a few major IBs whose deadlines have not passed.
Reply 2
just finished my january exams and want to apply for internships for the summer, have i missed most deadlines and is it too late?

You have about a week of two at best for most banks, why did you leave it so late?
Reply 3
i started to look at applications but my uni for some reason decided it is acceptable to time table 5 exams between 3rd and 12th my exams have finished my search for an internship continues......just hope it isnt too late.

p.s. been advised to apply to BarCap, RBC... any more suggestions would be great!!!
I only considered banking in Easter of my 2nd year, applied for a summer internship in April and got it (ABN). So take a look around the career sites, several banks will still be recruiting, especially those outside the main 7-8.
Reply 5
yer on the limit for IB but still have a chance. Look around. Fast. For Big-4/industry, you'll have a bit more slack.
No deadlines for 'significant' IBs have passed.

That is true for about 14.5 hours from the time this was written :wink:


For Big-4/industry, you'll have a bit more slack.

The exception is Deloitte. Who set a remarkably early deadline of December 16th.

(edit: I think Bank of England and HM Revenue & Customs has passed too. Other government related schemes via Civil Service Fasttrack finish up in late March)