The Student Room Group

Need advice with breaking up with someone

Right, I've been seeing this girl for abut 3 months now, one month now as official "Boyfriend-Girlfriend".

The problem is that uni work is starting to build up, and I really don't have time for a relationship anymore. I'm beginning to loose my feelings for her and I don't think it's fair on me or her to carry on, my head really isn't into it anymore.

Without choice of better words, I want to end the relationship now before it get's any more serious, but without hurting her. I've never broken up with anyone before and I'm scared I will upset her.

This has been very hard to describe on the internet, thank you everyone for your time.
Reply 1
Well don't text her or anything... talk to her face to face and explain why you don't think you should be with her anymore... there are no 'easy' ways to break up with a person, though.
Reply 2
LOL Emily... same as my post nearly! You beat me though. :frown:

Yup :biggrin:
Reply 3
Basically be respectful and gentle with her. She may be upset or hurt initially but in the long run she should see it's better than struggling with a relationship you don't want.

So bite the bullet and sit her down and talk to her but don't be rude or cowardly about it. A few cliche "it's not you, it's me" and "we can still be friends" probably wouldn't go amiss either!
Reply 4
whatever you do, don't lie to her...she'll feel ten times worse when she finds out (which she will)...also don't suddenly get with some1 else if you said you don't have time 4 a ex used that line and was with some1 else 2 weeks later!
Just tell her what you said in your first post.
Reply 6
Fresh Prince
Right, I've been seeing this girl for abut 3 months now, one month now as official "Boyfriend-Girlfriend".

The problem is that uni work is starting to build up, and I really don't have time for a relationship anymore. I'm beginning to loose my feelings for her and I don't think it's fair on me or her to carry on, my head really isn't into it anymore.

Without choice of better words, I want to end the relationship now before it get's any more serious, but without hurting her. I've never broken up with anyone before and I'm scared I will upset her.

This has been very hard to describe on the internet, thank you everyone for your time.

Dont you think its worth attempting to patch things up before you decide to break up with her???
Reply 7
Fresh Prince
Right, I've been seeing this girl for abut 3 months now, one month now as official "Boyfriend-Girlfriend".

The problem is that uni work is starting to build up, and I really don't have time for a relationship anymore. I'm beginning to loose my feelings for her and I don't think it's fair on me or her to carry on, my head really isn't into it anymore.

Without choice of better words, I want to end the relationship now before it get's any more serious, but without hurting her. I've never broken up with anyone before and I'm scared I will upset her.

This has been very hard to describe on the internet, thank you everyone for your time.

You're bound to hurt her. I'm sure it'd be less if you tell her the truth.

Either that or go for one of the traditional cop out break up speachs. they still work. lol
Fresh Prince
Right, I've been seeing this girl for abut 3 months now, one month now as official "Boyfriend-Girlfriend".

The problem is that uni work is starting to build up, and I really don't have time for a relationship anymore. I'm beginning to loose my feelings for her and I don't think it's fair on me or her to carry on, my head really isn't into it anymore.

Without choice of better words, I want to end the relationship now before it get's any more serious, but without hurting her. I've never broken up with anyone before and I'm scared I will upset her.

This has been very hard to describe on the internet, thank you everyone for your time.

Hi I've been the girl in this situation, my bf had a full time job and didn't have much time anymore and also his feelings were going for me :frown: You should sit down and tell your gf exactly how your feeling, thats waht my ex did, it hurt so much and is still hurting but I do apprecaiet how hard it was for him to do that instead of pretending to still have same feelings. so my advice talk to her dude :smile: