The Student Room Group

Quick Quark Composition Question

The Ω- (omega minus), a particle with strangeness -3 was identified in 1964 in an experiment involving an interaction between a K- meson of strangeness -1 and a proton.

K- + p ----> Ω- + K+ + K0

Using the following information, deduce the quark composition of all particles in the equation.

Quark ; Charge ; Strangeness
u ; 2/3 ; 0
d ; -1/3 ; 0
s ; -1/3 ; -1

I have :
K- = s u-bar
p = uud
Ω- = sss
K+ = u s-bar
K0 = s s-bar

But in the MS, K0 = d s-bar

Why is my answer wrong?
Reply 1
K (o) has a strangeness of +1 and a charge of 0 hence the answer K0 = d s-bar

d(-1/3) s bar (+1/3) = 0


since its a anti strange - strangess is +1 (normal strange is -1)
Reply 2
K (o) has a strangeness of +1 and a charge of 0 hence the answer K0 = d s-bar

d(-1/3) s bar (+1/3) = 0


since its a anti strange - strangess is +1 (normal strange is -1)

How are you supposed to know K0 has strangeness +1 ?

Because of conservation of strangeness? How do you know strangeness is conserved?
In this case, the conservation of charge and strangeness tells you K0 must be neutral and S=+1. If you don't bother with strange conservation you have two possible answers, which isn't what the original question implied. The whole question is about an S=-3 particle, so assuming conservation of strangeness would be a natural thing to do.