My fella and i love each other more than imaginable and have been through so much, yet still want to spend our lives together. we've been together for a year and a half, i was his first, and although he wasn't mine, he is coming to terms with it well, realising he has been my first for many many deeper things.
We have not yet discussed it in depth, but he may propose to me next year, once i am in university. of course we wouldn't actually marry until we're finished with uni, he has a year left and i'll have three, during which time he'll either begin a masters or do a law conversion. so, while im still studying, he can ake preparations to support me and start a life with me etc. finances will not be an issue as we will both work, and we dont intend to have kids until late 20's.
now all this was perfect until he found out he wasn't my first (very messy situation, i know, i should never have lied... but he's so perfect! gorgeous, money, car, innocent...) he is coming to terms with it, but he found out in such a way that there were extremely graphic details involved, and it has scarred him. i am still the love of his life (i'm certain of it, he's confirmed it) but sometimes spontaneous thoughts and images haunt him and really hurt him and it's a bit difficult to calm him down, but he eventually does and apologises etc... i'm thinking of going to get councilling with him...
Anywayyyyy i think i'm going on a bit.
basically, i want to be with him in such a way that he wouldnt even dare try to compare himself to anyone else, and i can hold on to him forever, but sometimes when he loses it i can't cope either. he was so innocent and i have taken away was his perfection. what should i do?