....my world has literally just been crushed. Me and Lukeharmz had been really happy with eachother lately or so I thought and after all my depression and mistrusting and our arguing, we were finally gettin somwhere, I was fnally getting better and trusting him and being more confident but he has ruined everything.
I got an offer for uni yesterday and it was the one I wanted! Which meant I could move in with Luke, it was like the start of our future together after 2 years of only seeing eachother at weekends if we were lucky.
Little did I know, for a month now he has had another account on here, I'm not naming it, but he made it just to catch me out, he emailed me and was trying to provoke me into flirting back. It didn't work. I caught him out. He has done other things the last month which I had no idea about, I was so happy and so blind so exactly how many other things has he done but covered up and put on an "honest" sharade???
The thing that hurts the most is the fact that we were just gettin right and settling down and being happy but after all he still sent the email today, he still *****ed us up, and now we are over.
I'm not necessarily looking for sympathy but I needed to get this off my chest, I feel so lied to and betrayed and he knows that I hate lying most of all and he pretty much hit every wrong button in doing what he did, I'm absolutely devastated, my future was planned and happy and today I have nothing.