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How to win her back

I was with my girlfriend for well over a year and through my own insecurities I didn't treat her as she deserved. I now feel that I have sorted out my insecurity issues and feel disgusted with myself that I didnt treat her like the princess she is, I really want to stay with her and make things right but she now feels that she wants to end the relationship, although we are still good friends.
I really want to show her how much she means to me and how I am truly in love with her.
Friends have told me to stop seeing her as this will hopefully make her miss me but I find it hard to stay away from her because I miss her sooo much.
I know its corny but I think this girl is my soul mate, how do I make things up for my past mistakes?
Any advice would be great
Reply 1
The best thing you can do is talk to her, but give her some space. You don't want to pressurise her or push her away. If she still want to ends the relationships, then just leave it be. Good luck xx Loth.
Have you told her all this? Assuming you haven't done anything unforgiveable...if I were her and you told me that I'd melt.

There is always the possibility though that she doesn't have those kind of feelings for you anymore - has she said why she wants to break up?
Reply 3
i'm in the same boat i suppose. and i guess i've learnt that you can't do too much about it. obviously act like a decent person, and perhaps make it known that you still like them (but not a lot! only once or twice, otherwise you're too easy to get so they're not interested). but the rest of it is just hoping that they can see what they're missing. i'd say try to be a good friend, but in doing that, you shouldn't expect anything more out of it. and i know it's hard to be in a friendship with someone who means that much to you, but it's the only real chance there is (although you should try not to think of it actually being a chance itself).
Reply 4
Have you told her all this? Assuming you haven't done anything unforgiveable...if I were her and you told me that I'd melt.

There is always the possibility though that she doesn't have those kind of feelings for you anymore - has she said why she wants to break up?

Yeah have told her but not sure she truly believes me :frown:
Its hard to let someone know how much you have changed and how much they mean to you. I took a good hard look at myself, as well as others events in my life that inlfuenced how I felt and decided to sort myself out. feel a much hapier person but would like to share this happiness with my girl.

She wants to break up because of the things that happened in the past (didnt cheat or anything like that but just wasn't the best boyfriend in the world) and because she is still quite young and is unsure whether she wants to be tied down, I can understand her not wanting to be in the relationship as it was but I really want to prove my love and show her she means the world to me.
I think she may be worried about being hurt again, as I never told her how much she meant to me in the past, which I would never do.

Thanks silence, yeah it is really hard trying to keep your distance when you have so many feelings for them.
hope things work out for you
Reply 5
Have you told her all this? Assuming you haven't done anything unforgiveable...if I were her and you told me that I'd melt.

There is always the possibility though that she doesn't have those kind of feelings for you anymore - has she said why she wants to break up?

Yeah have told her but not sure she truly believes me :frown:
Its hard to let someone know how much you have changed and how much they mean to you. I took a good hard look at myself, as well as others events in my life that inlfuenced how I felt and decided to sort myself out. feel a much hapier person but would like to share this happiness with my girl.

She wants to break up because of the things that happened in the past (didnt cheat or anything like that but just wasn't the best boyfriend in the world) and because she is still quite young and is unsure whether she wants to be tied down although she says she still has strong feelings for me.
I can understand her not wanting to be in the relationship as it was but I really want to prove my love and show her she means the world to me.
I think she may be worried about being hurt again, as I never told her how much she meant to me in the past, which I would never do.

Thanks silence, yeah it is really hard trying to keep your distance when you have so many feelings for them.
Hope things work out for you
Reply 6
you could try maybe writing a letter or email or something? but maybe leave it open ended saying that you understand why, considering certain events in the past, why she might not want to be with you at the present/in the near future. i think that showing you've changed is one thing, but it's far more important to show that you also understand their position. and i know that all girls are different, but with some, the harder you try to win them back, the further you end up pushing them away. good luck with it though.
Reply 7
I was with my girlfriend for well over a year and through my own insecurities I didn't treat her as she deserved. I now feel that I have sorted out my insecurity issues and feel disgusted with myself that I didnt treat her like the princess she is, I really want to stay with her and make things right but she now feels that she wants to end the relationship, although we are still good friends.
I really want to show her how much she means to me and how I am truly in love with her.
Friends have told me to stop seeing her as this will hopefully make her miss me but I find it hard to stay away from her because I miss her sooo much.
I know its corny but I think this girl is my soul mate, how do I make things up for my past mistakes?
Any advice would be great

awww that is very sweet, there is an old saying "that you do not know what u got until its gone" or sumink along those lines. i hope there is light at the end of the tunnel but i do not see it sorri :frown: i just think she does not want to get back into a relationship with you due to you not treating her right. she may be still scared that you still r insecure. nonetheless if she is still a gd mate and you really mean what u say u shud talk 2 her and open up ur heart to her. and if she really is ur soul mate then everything will be sorted. best of luck. :biggrin:
Reply 8
from a girls point of view i'd say tell her how you feel, and that you're sorry for the way you acted and that you love her. then (your friends are right) give her some space - dont keep calling and texting her all the time asking her what she's doing etc, so she can have the chance to figure out what she wants. if its gonna happen she'll come back to you. good luck. x
Reply 9
Definitely give her some space, not with the intention of making her miss you but just so she can think about things and sort her own head out. If she is young and doesn't want to be tied down, then maybe cool things off for a little while.

Good luck :smile:
Dont play for the relationship yet, ask her out on a few informal social occaisions, A drink together, a meal, a party etcetera. Let her pick up on the fact that you're different; dont ram "IM DIFFERENT NOW DAMMIT" down her throat (no matter how difficult, because you really want to show her!).
Best of luck!