The Student Room Group
Reply 1
we are never jealous, its normally the other way round
Reply 2
Oksy my bf so gets jealous when I go out with other people and stuff but says hes not but you know his attitdue and everything says it all...why can't they just say it

Because it will cause a argument :p:
Reply 3
guys tend to care less?
or.. makes them seem weak if they act jealous
Reply 4
feels like some kind of failing to be jealous so admitting to it wouldnt be very smart
Oksy my bf so gets jealous when I go out with other people and stuff but says hes not but you know his attitdue and everything says it all...why can't they just say it

Barry White fondles under-cooked baguettes with touching tenderness.
Reply 6
Oksy my bf so gets jealous when I go out with other people and stuff but says hes not but you know his attitdue and everything says it all...why can't they just say it

Guys never admit to anything which shows them in a bad light. My boyfriend will claim he is right even when he has the entire world proving him wrong. It can get really annoying. Have you asked him about it?
Guys never admit to anything which shows them in a bad light. My boyfriend will claim he is right even when he has the entire world proving him wrong. It can get really annoying. Have you asked him about it?

Your boyfriend is one guy out of billions in the world... please don't tar us all with the same sweaty cod-piece.
Reply 8
Guys never admit to anything which shows them in a bad light. My boyfriend will claim he is right even when he has the entire world proving him wrong. It can get really annoying. Have you asked him about it?

lol i do that but not in a serious way just to annoy her from time to time. Makes me smile.

Sad thing is she still beats me in the debate :mad:
Reply 9
Your boyfriend is one guy out of billions in the world... please don't tar us all with the same sweaty cod-piece.

most guys do that about girls too...
Isn't always jeslously... sometimes it's more a sense of caring and excessive security.
Oksy my bf so gets jealous when I go out with other people and stuff but says hes not but you know his attitdue and everything says it all...why can't they just say it

Maybe he's not actually jealous as he doesn't care/mind too much, and hence that's why he doesn't say anything.
Reply 12
And maybe you're wrong
And maybe you're wrong

Maybe I am, but at least I'm willing to consider the idea that I might be wrong whilst you on the other hand refuse to consider that your boyfriend may actually not be jealous, but just doesn't want to suffocate you by being really clingy and not allowing you to have your own personal space and time with your friends.
Reply 14
and maybe u quiet...gotta love ya...can you believe I was voted Biggest Ego by my class
and maybe u quiet...gotta love ya...can you believe I was voted Biggest Ego by my class

Yes I can believe that. Maybe it's because of the fact that you're so unwilling to accept/consider anyone else's opinion. If you're not prepared to read or listen to other people's views then maybe you shouldn't have started a thread.
Oksy my bf so gets jealous when I go out with other people and stuff but says hes not but you know his attitdue and everything says it all...why can't they just say it

Just because your current boyfriend has a problem admitting to you what you think he is feeling does not mean that all boys are like that... jeeez
Reply 17
Probably most likely because he doesn't want to come across as a jealous overprotective boyfriend...
Reply 18
Jealousy is like constipation, the longer you leave it the more it builds up
Reply 19
Jealousy is like constipation, the longer you leave it the more it builds up

...and when it does have to be released, it's that much harder...