The Student Room Group

25th Wedding anniversary gift ideas

Ruight..................on valentines day its my parents 25th wedding anniversary..........................I'm skint, I don't have much time and I have noooooooooooooooooo idea what to buy them.............I ruled out obvious things like putting their wedding photos in nice frames and photo albums etc as they've already done that............................Budget is about 30 quid..............any idea?!

Oh I want to get them something they can keept......................and not bin after a couple of years

Oh - I originally posted this in chat but wasn't getting any answers - in a way it is related to relationships as my dad will probably kill me if they don't get something..............
Reply 1
a nice card. why do u have to get them anything i didnt (4 my parent obv.) it isnt a birthday or christmas and it isnt ur aniversary its theirs. make a cake if u really want to get them something, although id probs buy one lol. or dig out the old home videos!!

gd luck
Reply 2
a nice card. why do u have to get them anything i didnt (4 my parent obv.) it isnt a birthday or christmas and it isnt ur aniversary its theirs. make a cake if u really want to get them something, although id probs buy one lol. or dig out the old home videos!!

gd luck

coz its their 25th and its a pretty big milestone..................i don;t usually buy anythign except a card but I thoiguht I prob should seeing as its their 25th
Reply 3

I know how you feel, it was my parents 25th the other year, and I didn't have any ideas. In the end me and my sister paid to get a painting done of the church where they were married, which was something special and related to them, but something they could keep as well. They had a party - invited lots of family who we don't normally see because they don't live near us and they got loads of different presents. I'll list what I can remember, it may give you some ideas:

Champagne, photo frames (got loads!!), a rose which was for a 'silver wedding' - has white flowers, vase, silver wine decanter thingy, wine glasses which had silver stems, (they were kind of silver globlet looking.)

The rose looked lovely, you can get ones sold for a silver anniversary from gardens centres, and its something they can keep and will flower each year. You could prehaps buy a (cheapish) bottle of champagne for the day and then something that they can keep. It also means that if you havn't got a present yet, in my case the painting wasn't reading for their anniversary they had got something (champagne) on the day and then had the painting later. Sorry I can't think of any more ideas! Hope you sort something!!
Reply 4

I know how you feel, it was my parents 25th the other year, and I didn't have any ideas. In the end me and my sister paid to get a painting done of the church where they were married, which was something special and related to them, but something they could keep as well. They had a party - invited lots of family who we don't normally see because they don't live near us and they got loads of different presents. I'll list what I can remember, it may give you some ideas:

Champagne, photo frames (got loads!!), a rose which was for a 'silver wedding' - has white flowers, vase, silver wine decanter thingy, wine glasses which had silver stems, (they were kind of silver globlet looking.)

The rose looked lovely, you can get ones sold for a silver anniversary from gardens centres, and its something they can keep and will flower each year. You could prehaps buy a (cheapish) bottle of champagne for the day and then something that they can keep. It also means that if you havn't got a present yet, in my case the painting wasn't reading for their anniversary they had got something (champagne) on the day and then had the painting later. Sorry I can't think of any more ideas! Hope you sort something!!

who did you get to do the painting? thats sounds like a really nice idea
Reply 5
It was somebody I knew in Nottingham who does paintings. You could look for picture framers etc near where you live and see if the know of anyone who will do one, or look through a local paper in the adverts, people will often advertise in their that they do paintings. A internet search for professional painters in your area will probably bring some up. See if they have got any pictures you can see of their work before though, and obviously, check pricing.
Reply 6
It was somebody I knew in Nottingham who does paintings. You could look for picture framers etc near where you live and see if the know of anyone who will do one, or look through a local paper in the adverts, people will often advertise in their that they do paintings. A internet search for professional painters in your area will probably bring some up. See if they have got any pictures you can see of their work before though, and obviously, check pricing.

thanks :smile: