Do boys exist who are gentlemanly and romantic or am i just waiting for something which will never come? Do they just exist in films!?
I've never had a boyfriend or anything and don't have any friends who are boys simply because from what i can tell of the boys who are with people my age, they simply have no actual attachment to the girls, no depth of feeling, no respect, no interests apart from getting drunk and are only after one thing. I'm not condemning people who are in these relationships, it's just basically something which isn't for me. Since i've never been to a mixed school and am going off to a London university (not sure which)in September it will obviously be a fairly big change being in contact with more boys, and so I was wondering do such boys exist or not? I spoke about this to some people in my year and they said that any boys which do fit the gentlemanly and romantic description are those who and i quote 'have no hope in hell with getting with anyone anyway because of how ugly there are and so have to behave like that to attract even the smallest amount of attention.' This type of comment reflects why I consider a lot of people in my year as idiots but anyway...Obviously looks aren't everything in a relationship but in my opinion there has to be some sort of physical attraction for someone to change from friend to boyfriend.
Anyways thanks for any light anyone can shed on this matter, it's not majorly bothering me, it's not like i'm desperate for male companionship but it would be nice to know if the option is realistic or not to meet someone like that.