The Student Room Group
Reply 1
As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of blokes couldn't care less about love letters. But again I could be wrong.
Reply 2
Yeah, make it look really feminine, and put lipstick on and kiss the paper at the end of the letter. You can never be too sloppy but put things in there that boost his ego.
Reply 3
A friend wrote me a letter, just general stuff written on it etc.. was like she was having a convo with me - bit weird, but i thought it was cute :smile: had lots of funny stickers on it too :biggrin:
Reply 4
If sloppy isn't your natural style, then don't try to be, because it will just look false. "Stream of consciousness" writing can work well, rather than trying to structure it.

What's the reason for the letter? Is it a special occasion or just something you thought you'd like to do?
Reply 5
its for valentines...

a while away yet i know but i know i will be very busy around that time and wont be able to see him that much or organised pressents or time together very easily so i thought i would get something sorted now

plus i am just in a lovey dovey mood and just started writing random things down
Reply 6
I wouldn't worry about structure or anything too formal, just write how you feel. I like getting letters from my girlfriend, it's very sweet, there's nothing there for him to not like!

As it's Valentine's day, or any other 'benchmark' day, perhaps recount the nice things you've done recently/in general and what youre looking forward to for the rest of this year, then comes the soppy how much he means to you bit.

Presentation is more important than structure I'd say. Some nice girly or colourful paper, pretty pens and the like all add to the effect!

Good luck!
Reply 7
I've written two love letters to my boyfriend as surprises in the past, and when he received the first one he cried! So some guys definitely do like it.
As someone else has already said, just be yourself in the letter. Just say how you feel about him without being overly sweet if you're not a particularly sentimental person. I'm sure he'll appreciate whatever you write.
As for decoration, I used heart stickers and perfume :smile:
Reply 8
Just include general... "you" things!

I once wrote a letter including a list of about 50 things, each starting with, "I love it when/how... etc"
He really liked that one, I included little unique things that just made me think "Aww love you", not just the normal "I love it when we kiss" (even though I put that in hehe)... Things like, "I love it how you make me walk on the inside of the pavement"

Just write things that you think of when your writing it and thinking of him, and things that you think back on and make you smile!

Good luck, I'm sure he'll love it anyway as it'll be from his girl :smile:
Reply 9
My boyf does the pavement thing too, it's sweet isn't it :smile:
Reply 10
Yeah, aww :smile:
Also when he opens doors and lets me through first, and how he thinks I'm daft when I offer to buy a round at the pub or something... just the little things :biggrin:
Anyway... :rolleyes:
Reply 11
hmm... my bf doesnt do those things lol
having one or two glasses of wine/beer/shots help to get the emotions flowing....for me at least.

if you're sure he's the kind that appreciates such things then its fine, but if you're not sure then dont be too disappointed if he seem a bit "not bothered" about it as you'd have liked. i still believe in love letters, but sadly people nowadays have less respect for the art.

put emotions in words, be sincere and truthful, and stroking his ego a bit wont hurt either
Reply 13
Don't write the letter on any paper- invest in some quality Daler Rowney-type paper. Use ink/feathered pens. Write in a different colour. Finally be truthful and avoid cliched phrases.
Reply 14
hmm... my bf doesnt do those things lol

Perhaps you should write him a formal letter of complaint listing the things he should be doing, lol.
Reply 15
Here's a tip on what to write...nothing. Love letters are so 1950s. Seriously mate.
mine loves them, i've written him about 5.
nice stationary, flirty loopy hearty handwriting, puns and poetry weaved into it and drop in a few nice memories and how much you love him. spray the paper with your scent and go to and get a pendant with your picture on it (i got mine the round one) and stick it in the envelope, seal envelope with a lipsticked kiss, and you're sorted! xx
Reply 17
As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of blokes couldn't care less about love letters. But again I could be wrong.

I'd appreciate it; but then, you do specify "blokes" so my opinion on the matter might not be altogether relevant.
Reply 18
I like getting letters from my girlfriend, it's very sweet, there's nothing there for him to not like!

Re-read that. It's best to edit it before Profesh gets to it...
Reply 19
Yeah go for it - I was in Germany for a week starting on Valentines day and I wrote my ex a letter for every single day that I was away so he could open a new one each day, and I taped the whole lot and put music on and stuff. We broke up over a year ago and he still has the tape for when he's feeling low