The Student Room Group
If it's still there tomorrow go to your GP.
Reply 2
just because its a lump doesnt mean its something serious at all. but i get that this could be scary to find. best thing to do is just to go to the doctor to be on the safe side, and try not to panick until u get to see oneits not worth panicking until u know what something is
Reply 3
How did you notice it? Is it sticking out? Any pain when you touch it? Was it there last night?
Reply 4
Nope, just discovered it thismornin stickin out a bit. Its ok to touch but every now an then i get dull pain there
Reply 5
I'd suggest you go to the doctors ASAP. It probably wont be something serious, but better safe than sorry. :smile:
Reply 6
Will do, thanx guys