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I'm assuming that you're a guy, but if you're not then please excuse me. Well, there's just the obvious answer, don't eat so many fatty foods, don't snack between meals or if you really need to, then replace your snacks with fruit, so at least you're eating something healthy, and exercise - simple as that.
Reply 2
Replace white bread with brown bread, white pasta with brown pasta.

Just opt for healthier ways, such as fresh fruit instead of canned etc.
Reply 3
don't do the atkins diet, or any other fad diet for that matter.
Reply 4
13 stone isnt particularly heavy for a 5'11'' male. If you want to lose weight stop being so greedy and eat less.
Reply 5
Stop chomping on chips and fried foods at school?...
Reply 6
Stop chomping on chips and fried foods at school?...

he/she never said that he/she did this, or that they were greedy or anything! they asked for weight loss tips, not for presumptions that they must be eating lots.
Reply 7
13 stone isnt particularly heavy for a 5'11'' male.

u shouldnt feel so insecure
Reply 8
Okay, so I'm 15 years old, 5"11 tall and I weigh 13 stone. I've always thought I was a bit overweight as everyone else in my year is about half my height and weighs a quater of my size but whatever. I feel really self conscious about it (especially sinse we started swimming in PE), has any one got any ways for me to lose weight NOW!!?

Maybe one of your parents was a giant. I bet that's what it is.


13 stone isnt particularly heavy for a 5'11'' male. If you want to lose weight stop being so greedy and eat less.

The thread maker must have been a girl. No serious guy is so whiny and needy, especially over their weight.
Reply 9
don't do the atkins diet, or any other fad diet for that matter.

the atkin's diet work's well if done properly..
Reply 10
If i was the person who started this thread and u all assumed i was a guy.. id probably run off and cry!! Poor thing..
Reply 11
If i was the person who started this thread and u all assumed i was a guy.. id probably run off and cry!! Poor thing..

Well (s)he has has 2 hours to tell everyone which it is.
Reply 12
True..but he/she may be to embarrased to reply. 13stn isn't big for a guy at that height... not sure about a girl though. i don't know many tall people
The problem with Atkins and all the other diets, is that when you lose your alloted amount of weight you revert back to eating how you used to - and gain all the weight again. So you'll end up having the eat healthier anyway, despite whether you do the diet or not.
Reply 14
Err well this thread has just made me even more insecure...I'm a girl! Yes I know shock shock horror horror! So let me clarify I'm a 5"11, 13 stone girl, and I'm not happy about it. I wanna lose weight quickly and keep the weight off as well!!!
The thread maker must have been a girl. No serious guy is so whiny and needy, especially over their weight.

:eek: Woah man, that's not only harsh but majorly sexist! But I'll forgive it cause it's true! :p:

Anyways I find it kinda interesting that no one has suggested exercise! Girly, try and increase exercise and the weight will simply drop off! Don't worry, for your height you're not that big... it's probably all muscle anyway. Muscle weighs more than fat you know.... :biggrin:

Silver Scribes -x-
I wouldnt worry.
holy **** that's a big girl :eek:

go running at night, when no one's looking, it worked for that ex-olympic gold medalist african runner, whose name i forget.
I don't see why everyone's so shocked, 13 stone isn't that heavy for a girl of that height, I have a friend who's 5 foot 2 and weighs that, and she's still only a size 16/18.

I can see you're self-conscious, being taller than everyone else as well, so the old healthy diet and exercise would probably help you feel more confident, it's what I do anyway.
Reply 19
wow u must be massive!