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Reply 1
for the love of god! wheres is the poll!
Reply 2
Obeast, as my brother would say. DUH.
Reply 3
It's here guys! Took a while typing!


I voted the boyfriends opinion btw!
Reply 4
oMg boobies. LMFAO!
Reply 5
Where's the size 10, 30G option?
Reply 6
Where's the size 10, 30G option?

And the size 10, 32F one? Tut tut :biggrin:
Reply 7
It's discrimination, Sarky. That's what it is!!! :wink:
Reply 8
Or the other way round - it's possible to be a size 14 and NOT be a C/D cup!
Erm, am I the only guy who hasn't a clue what the difference between a size 8 and a size 12 or a size 14 is..?
Reply 10
Where is the size 8, moderate breast size AND bum curves option?... At the moment that is what I am attracted to, though before I met my gf I did not prefer any one specific combination.

I would have been happy with only ONE "desirable" asset on a girl but I guess I'm a bit too picky now. I'm sure many guy's standards drop a little when they are single.
Reply 11
Duke Flipside
Erm, am I the only guy who hasn't a clue what the difference between a size 8 and a size 12 or a size 14 is..?
Awww. its hard to explain... lets see

Size 6: model size - think Renee Zellweger (not in bridget Jones)

Size 10: Perfect 10 i believe :wink:

Size 14: The average size of UK women today

Size 18: getting quite large now....

To be honest - what they look like depends on the height of the woman. A short woman looks much larger at a size 12-14 than a tall woman etc.
Reply 12
why is the only D cup attached to being size 16?! you can be smaller than a 16 and have D cup breasts ya know. Actually, i know a size 16 who's an A cup come to think of it. This is the worst poll yet.

and why is size 10 the only size where you've made it possible to be thin or curvy?! those options exist within all the size ranges! i know plenty of curvy or even chubby size 8's and plenty of toned, skinny size 14's.
Reply 13
Should have made this poll public, I bet you there are some sneaky girls voting here.
Reply 14
WOAH!!! I WAS JUST THINKING OF THE MOST COMMON BODY SHAPES!! I don't know any people (in my life) who are size 8 with size G breasts and havn't undergone surgery... and I don't know any size 16 people with flat chests either! I mean no offence to anybody! It's just uncommon. If the body type isn't in the poll, just state it! Sorry, but the pole itself proves nothing more than we're not all perfect, I'll happily be living proof of that. Geeez.
Reply 15
WOAH!!! I WAS JUST THINKING OF THE MOST COMMON BODY SHAPES!! I don't know any people (in my life) who are size 8 with size G breasts and havn't undergone surgery... and I don't know any size 16 people with flat chests either! I mean no offence to anybody! It's just uncommon. If the body type isn't in the poll, just state it! Sorry, but the pole itself proves nothing more than we're not all perfect, I'll happily be living proof of that. Geeez.

I don't think there really IS a common body shape though - there are so many variations it's hard to categorise and anyone who doesn't fit into any of them is bound to get uppity.

I'm not saying that I'm flat chested, but I'm also definitely not as big as any of the options on the poll.

Let's not all try and attack sophie though, she was trying to be useful, but I'm not sure if this thread is really any more helpful than the previous one.
Reply 16
There's no size 8, 32B.
This poll is a bit too complicated I think...
Reply 17
My friend is a size 6, and is around a 30 E/F. shes quite out of proportion :rolleyes:
Reply 18
There's no size 8, 32B.
This poll is a bit too complicated I think...

Indeedy - almost annoying as Marks and Spencers bra size policy. Just 'cos you take a G-cup, doesn't mean you have to be a minimum of a 34!

Hurrah for Bravissimo!
Reply 19
The poll is very nice and all, but I think even with Law Hopeful's explanation, most guys won't have a clue what any of the options actually mean in reality. I know I don't.

A girl is either hot or she isn't. I wouldn't go up to a girl and ask her what sizes she is before asking her out or whatever.