The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Just do crunches and save yourself a lot of money. Make sure you do them properly though.
Reply 2
my mates got that exact one! don't get it.
Like joe said, do crunches it will be much more effective!
Reply 3
I bought one last summer. I think it's a good idea because it kind of forces you into doing crunches because the piece of equipment you have *paid* for is right in front of you. I used it up until I went to uni but it was too big to take with me/fit in my uni room and I haven't touched it since...eek.

But I'd def recommend one PadFoot. They're good!
Reply 4
without actually clicking on the link given, i can honestly tell you that it is about as effective as eating lard.
Just do crunches and save yourself a lot of money. Make sure you do them properly though.
Yeah, or buy one of those (lol) work out beach balls, I've seen them around :biggrin:

I've yet to give it a go too *is glad she has been reminded from reading this thread*
Any ab-machines that require movement of the arms in some way (in this case pulling the handle up and over yourself) will ultimately not have any effect on the abs, because your arms are doing all of the work, and not your abs. Supposedly