The Student Room Group


Hi every1, I am feelin really low at the moment, im really unsure what to do. Im in my last yr at uni and have no idea what to do come May when i leave. My family have recently moved a couple hundred miles away, where there is no room and they kinda see it as iv left home and thats that. That doesnt bother me too much as I quite like my independence anyway.

The thing is I adore bein at uni, i have so much fun and it exceeded all my expectations but, all my uni friends are moving back home and i dont really have friends in my uni town or what was my home town, i really have no idea what to do wen i leave. The prospect of living alone doesnt fill me with joy, I have no kind of job lined up, im so stuck what to do. All my friends seem to have perfect lives to go home too and Im just so unhappy, i worry so much how i can be happy and support myslef, I jus think that this time next year I'l be so unhappy and lonely, even the prospect makes me unhappy.

I feel really depressed all the time, it affects my work and I dont enjoy things as i used to, although I am seeking help with a counsellor next week
Just wondered if any1 is inthe same boat or could offer some advice

many thanks

I'm in a similar position in that I get quite depressed quite a lot of the time. I really don't know if you are a boy or a girl, but if you are a girl, maybe it is your hormones playing havock with you!

Seeing a councellor is a good way to start. They will be able to offer you advice and medication if needed & help you to regain some focus in your life.

If it helps, tell your parents how you feel- that it isn't an issue that they have moved away, but you feel like you don't know what you want to do next year & your not looking forward to it. Maybe the best thing is to find a job or start looking for possible jobs now before the rush starts. If you find something, then it will be motivational. Even if it isn't in the career area that you are aiming for (connected to your degree), it will help you to feel better.

Reply 2
I don't know if this is an option, but have you considered further study? Also, if you don't mind me asking what subject are you studying? I feel like this a lot, and I'm only a first year. It seems like you are sensible, so just remain calm, and lay down your options. If you don't like them there are always ways to improve them.
Reply 3
I don't know if this is an option, but have you considered further study? Also, if you don't mind me asking what subject are you studying? I feel like this a lot, and I'm only a first year. It seems like you are sensible, so just remain calm, and lay down your options. If you don't like them there are always ways to improve them.

Yeah i want to study furrther but its something im unable to afford right now, so i have to work for a while first. I just feel in complete despair, I dont really have people I can talk to or many friends, im so stuck what to do
Reply 4
i think councelling is a great idea, just to talk stuff over.

What about seeing a career advisor?
Reply 5
this is the life.. sometimes you have to leave your friedns you love, sometimes you have to leave you family and sometimes both of them. I ve been living alone for a year and it IS difficult, i had to leave my family, my neighbourhood, but a new life became. new friends came up, but i am still lonely, at nights. it feels bad:frown: :smile: the best to do for you i think, to find a job, that you can spend your time in there, make some money to hire a house(a little one, or it is hard to afford, hard to tidy up) in advance.. find new friends, maybe a mate. room mate! then you'll search for you career, you'll get the best career as you work, go for it! hey, i got you.. i know what it is.. i felt the same. i am not feeling so good but, life is going on, as good as i can afford. I think you should talk to your parents, they will probably support you till you find a job. good luck!
yes,it's lonely at night when you leave your home and friends to work in other city.
compared with that, you are more independent,more also will get the focus in your life.
i am in the same boat when i'm a senior,right now i'm a grudate .
don't worry about what have not happened,everything will go well.
Reply 7
This is like the 100th depression thread I've seen this week.

Everyone feels low every now and again, I'm sure your'll pull yourself out of it.