For a couple of weeks now I've been able to feel small lumps around my groin, more specifically where the following picture says 'Groin Lymph Glands'. The funny thing is I don't even know if they were there or not before I noticed.
I've done masses of reading up on this because my brain has been in massive overdrive contemplating all the possible scenarios from Cancer to Lipomas (Small fatty lumps). I'm going to see the doctor on Tuesday because I was told that them not going down was a sign of something. The thing is, Lymph nodes can be anything from the size of a pinhead to the size of a grape so I may be working myself up over nothing. They may have been there all along and I'm working myself up over nothing. None of them cause me pain, though this shouldn't be anything to go on.
I've sort of settled on (Yes, I know you can't do self-diagnosis) enlarged Lymph Glands, which could mean a whole host of things really. Infection is the most common but Cancer is always a possibility because of the job of the Lymphatic System. It could be normal, it could be anything. That's the scary thing.
I'm not resigning myself to anything bad, but I know that it's important to get checked out. I was just wondering if anybody had any similar experiences or they too had 'lumps' around the area of the top of the thigh/groin where the nodes are actually situated for that part of the body? I hear that checking your Lymph nodes is suggested just like breasts and testicles. I suppose I'm just looking for a little reassurance before I go to the doctor's.