The Student Room Group
Reply 1
did LSE not send you a big welcome pack? UCAS letter came too but if its on track don't worry about it, all a UCAS letter is exactly what you've already got on track!
Reply 2
I got LSE offer pack a month ago. But UCAS gives me nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I don't know why this happens to me, because I have already got four offers on UCAS track, but only got one formal letter! Does UCAS forget me? Do I need to phone them, and ask for my formal offer letters?
Reply 3
you'll get the letter about a week after you see the offer on track
Reply 4
you'll get the letter about a week after you see the offer on track

And that was already a month ago for the OP...
Reply 5
I don't know what you mean by a "UCAS formal letter from LSE." LSE and UCAS are not the same thing. I was in the first round of offers, and I got a letter from LSE giving me my terms, student number, welcome packet, etc., but it wasn't from UCAS I don't think they said verification letters.
Reply 6
ucas do send out letters but their exactly indentical to the offer as you see it on track. Its not even important that you receive a letter from ucas straight away tbh, you've seen the offer on track so you know about it; what difference is the letter from ucas gonna make? don't worry about not receiving a letter, go out and celebrate cos you have an offer :rock:
Reply 7
I got LSE offer pack a month ago. But UCAS gives me nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I don't know why this happens to me, because I have already got four offers on UCAS track, but only got one formal letter! Does UCAS forget me? Do I need to phone them, and ask for my formal offer letters?

I think you should phone them, I got my UCAS letter at the beginning of January. You should also get letters from UCAS for all your other letters, so you should check what's happened to them - maybe you've had some really bad luck and they all got lost in the post or something! Or maybe you accidentally chose to receive e-mails instead of letters?
Reply 8
i havent had any letters from ucas about any offers (theyre all on track, some from november). i rang them up to see why and apparently i selected not to receive any letters. :confused: so i checked apply and i had clearly selected to receive letters :mad:.
i havent received any emails either.
Reply 9
i havent had any letters from ucas about any offers (theyre all on track, some from november). i rang them up to see why and apparently i selected not to receive any letters. :confused: so i checked apply and i had clearly selected to receive letters :mad:.
i havent received any emails either.

I found I have the same circumstance as you! how stupid I am! I have changed to receive letters, but could I receive other three offer letters after change? By the way, I haven't received any emails either!
Reply 10
I found I have the same circumstance as you! how stupid I am! I have changed to receive letters, but could I receive other three offer letters after change? By the way, I haven't received any emails either!

how did you change to receive letters? when i rang them they said i could change it on track in the personal details section. there's no option there though! :confused:


i dont think theyll send old offer letters.
Reply 11
how did you change to receive letters? when i rang them they said i could change it on track in the personal details section. there's no option there though! :confused:


i dont think theyll send old offer letters.

when you go to track, you can find receive notification by e-mail, just change it to not receive notification by e-mail is ok, I think. How poor we are! Actually, I want to get the offer letters!
Reply 12
I haven't got a letter from LSE but my track has been updated and I've got an offer from LSE for Accounting and Finance, AAB!!! Btw, the only letter I got from LSE is the internal short list letter! LSE's giving out offers already!!!! Good luck guys!
Reply 13

Why do you prefer Bristol over LSE? :wink:

Were you on the internal shortlist for A&F?
Reply 14

Why do you prefer Bristol over LSE? :wink:

Thanks. Well, to tell you the truth I really want to go to LSE but I'm on government scholarship and the allowance that they will be giving isn't that much. Furthermore, my parents can't afford to keep sending me money for a living in London. To make it worse I'm a real big spender! :p:
Therefore, the second best alternative for me is to live in a smaller city. It's better to live comfortably in Bristol rather than living on a really tight budget in London. After all, Bristol is a respectable place to study plus Bristol has a great range of societies of my interest and they are very active too and most importantly it's not over crowded with Malaysians! lol :biggrin:

Were you on the internal shortlist for A&F?

Yup. I received the letter on the same day I recieved my rejection from Oxford! Luckily it wasn't a double blow! :redface:
Reply 15
I prefer Bath uni more. Because I am living in Bath now. And personally Bath uni has less students than Bristol. And the building looks like great, the town is not good as bristol I think. But very tidy and quiet. (However, I have not applied to Bath Uni, because I don't want to stay in one city over 5 years!)


I prefer Bath uni more. Because I am living in Bath now. And personally Bath uni has less students than Bristol. And the building looks great, the town is not good as bristol I think. But very tidy and quiet. (However, I have not applied to Bath Uni, because I don't want to stay in one city over 5 years!)
Thanks. Well, to tell you the truth I really want to go to LSE but I'm on government scholarship and the allowance that they will be giving isn't that much. Furthermore, my parents can't afford to keep sending me money for a living in London. To make it worse I'm a real big spender! :p:
Therefore, the second best alternative for me is to live in a smaller city. It's better to live comfortably in Bristol rather than living on a really tight budget in London. After all, Bristol is a respectable place to study plus Bristol has a great range of societies of my interest and they are very active too and most importantly it's not over crowded with Malaysians! lol :biggrin:

Yup. I received the letter on the same day I recieved my rejection from Oxford! Luckily it wasn't a double blow! :redface:

Lol blurboy...but i think u will find that bristol is a popular place for malaysians student too. UWE is packed with them


I received my official UCAS letter for LSE a week ago. But i was just wondering whether the official letter by LSE counts if under some circumstances you don't receive the ucas letter?
Reply 17
Deathscythe HG
Lol blurboy...but i think u will find that bristol is a popular place for malaysians student too. UWE is packed with them


I received my official UCAS letter for LSE a week ago. But i was just wondering whether the official letter by LSE counts if under some circumstances you don't receive the ucas letter?

I think it is. Because offer letter from UCAS can be sent as e-mail if you choose to receive notification by e-mail(but unfortunately, if you choose this option, ucas would neither giving you letter, nor e-mail). So offer letter from UCAS is not so important as you think. If your status in track is conditional, that would be ok.
I can see 4 offers from UCAS track, but I have only got one offer letter from UCAS! What the hell!!! So is there anyone the same circumstances as me?

It's the same information; why do you want it on a piece of paper so much? :p:
Reply 19
It's the same information; why do you want it on a piece of paper so much? :p:

Maybe saka wants to save them as a good memory. (Just guess!) :wink: