The Student Room Group
I've got a couple of exams in there too and don't know where it is. I had some in the sackville street building last year, and that was easy enough to find, though i did get lost once i was inside it. its HUGE.

You do know the sackville street building is that big grand looking building on umist campus with the flat roof?i'm guessing it'll be signposted from somewhere round there

ah well, if you find it, let me know where it is.

(Incidentally, anyone know where "SU Council chamber" is?)
Reply 2
You do know the sackville street building is that big grand looking building on umist campus with the flat roof?i'm guessing it'll be signposted from somewhere round there

Flat roof??? The SSB roof isn't flat!

Council chamber is easy to find, it's where they held the panto. I think it's on the second floor. It'll be signposted anyways - just go in the SU building on south campus, check the sign, up the twirly stairs, and keep going till you hit the right floor. Should be the one above the cafeteria, if I'm right. Then go left.
Reply 3
The entrence you need to use to get to the Entrence Hall is on the same road as Natwest bank (just on the opposite side obviously, i think it might even be called Sackville Street). Just walk past the bank and use the first set of stairs you get to that go into the SSB. Then the entrance hall is straight ahead of you.
Reply 4
The entrence you need to use to get to the Entrence Hall is on the same road as Natwest bank (just on the opposite side obviously, i think it might even be called Sackville Street). Just walk past the bank and use the first set of stairs you get to that go into the SSB. Then the entrance hall is straight ahead of you.

Excellent, thanks :smile:
Reply 5
no problem, good luck with your exam.
Princess Ana
Flat roof??? The SSB roof isn't flat!

Council chamber is easy to find, it's where they held the panto. I think it's on the second floor. It'll be signposted anyways - just go in the SU building on south campus, check the sign, up the twirly stairs, and keep going till you hit the right floor. Should be the one above the cafeteria, if I'm right. Then go left.

It looks kind of flat :-P from what i can remember anyway. Useful stuff has been replaced in my head with microbiology for the time being though.

Not completely sure where you mean, but hopefully it'll be signposted. I've got one in the Renolds building tomorrow. Its annoying now that i'm in fallowfield i have to go up to umist lots. when i was in first year i had loads of exams in the armitge whihc would be really useful now