If the relationship is strong enough, it will survive.
I started uni with a boyfriend at home of two and a half years. We'd been very happy all that time but our relationship gradually disintegrated over my first year of uni. I felt like trying to keep it going was an imposition on my uni life and that the distance was too much to handle, so we broke up at the beginning of the summer and I was determined to come back to uni single.
Then, at the end of the summer, I met someone who, completely unexpectedly, I fell for. We've now been together for 5 months and see each other nearly every weekend (I used to go weeks and months at a time without seeing my ex). He's just as far away as my ex was, but because this relationship is better for me it just isn't an issue - I focus on uni work and my friends here whilst he's away, and then love every second of being together at weekends and holidays. It does make you appreciate the time you spend together even more and knowing my boyfriend is just at the end of the phone is a huge support.
The point is, distance will definitely reveal the cracks in a floundering relationship, but if you two are unbreakable, the time apart can only make you stronger.