The Student Room Group


how would i know if i was suicidal? i often think about ways i could kill myself and sort of imagine myself doing these.. often think about knives and this morning woke up from a dream where loads of blood was pouring out of my neck - from a knife.. i dont think i'm particularly depressed as i don't cry much and am not off my food or anything, although i do have these weird obsessive thoughts.. this all pretty much started when someone i knew was killed 4 months ago, but saying this i didnt know them v well at all, so i dont know why its affecting me so much.. do you think i'm losing it? i sometimes also imagine myself killing other people which i find really disturbing and horrible.. i don't want these thoughts and feel sickened with myself.. would appreciate any advice etc
Ok firstly try not to jump to conclusions, labelling youreslf probably won't help. I've found that people can become traumatised by death even if they are not close to the person who has died. This could be the case with you. I am not an expert of this type of subject at all but the best solution may be to go to the doctor and see a counseller/therapist to help you through problems (possibly related to the person being killed 4 months ago) you may have but don't realise. Hope this helps and that you can get some more advice, and take care of yourself.
Reply 2
It sounds like this all started from the death 4 months ago - thus, its likely to be a psychologica issue. Even if you didn't know the person well, it can still have an affect on you.
No I don't think you're 'losing it' - shock after experiencing death often expresses itself in strange ways.
Speak to a mature family member if you can, and arrange counselling ASAP.
Hope it works out for you. :smile:
Reply 3
Well umm don't know if your suicidal but I have loads of thoughts where I kill people but not just like the oh I wish they were dead thing actually properly torturing them. I think of ways I can kill someone, I mean the first thing I do when I walk into a room is make sure I know where the exits are and see what I can use as a tool to kill someone should occasion arise. I don't think I'm physcotic or anything just a bit vindictive but I dunno I do have a really bad temper but have never actually been in a fight. Do you think I'm twisted?
Reply 4
how would i know if i was suicidal? i often think about ways i could kill myself and sort of imagine myself doing these.. often think about knives and this morning woke up from a dream where loads of blood was pouring out of my neck - from a knife.. i dont think i'm particularly depressed as i don't cry much and am not off my food or anything, although i do have these weird obsessive thoughts.. this all pretty much started when someone i knew was killed 4 months ago, but saying this i didnt know them v well at all, so i dont know why its affecting me so much.. do you think i'm losing it? i sometimes also imagine myself killing other people which i find really disturbing and horrible.. i don't want these thoughts and feel sickened with myself.. would appreciate any advice etc

Death in close proximity to oneself does tend to re-affirm one's own sense of mortality, and a fear of that which we neither know nor understand. Obviously, the simplest way to garner an appreciation of something is by first-hand experience; thus, it is possible for your dreams to become a safe and relatively innocuous outlet for your burgeoning (albeit subconscious) desire to 'experience' death, in order that you might better comprehend it, and consequently put to rest any anxiety or misgivings arising from the matter.
Reply 5
its me the thread starter again.. i really don't want to die and i hate thinking like this and on top of this i've got exams that are starting again and no i really don't want to hurt anyone just afraid that i'll lose it and go crazy - not that anything like this has ever happened before, have never been in a fight or hurt another. i dont think its grief and the weird thing is the people i know who are were closer to the person seem to be coping a lot better with it although i guess externally you wouldnt know with me that theres a problem..
how would i know if i was suicidal? i often think about ways i could kill myself and sort of imagine myself doing these.. often think about knives and this morning woke up from a dream where loads of blood was pouring out of my neck - from a knife.. i dont think i'm particularly depressed as i don't cry much and am not off my food or anything, although i do have these weird obsessive thoughts.. this all pretty much started when someone i knew was killed 4 months ago, but saying this i didnt know them v well at all, so i dont know why its affecting me so much.. do you think i'm losing it? i sometimes also imagine myself killing other people which i find really disturbing and horrible.. i don't want these thoughts and feel sickened with myself.. would appreciate any advice etc

If you were suicidal you wouldn't be alive to post. wtf you been smoking. You give the real suicidal harcore heads a bad name.