The Student Room Group
Reply 1
its pushing it. i *think* 20 is the limit.
Reply 2
People can sometimes continue growing well into their 20s, the fact that your legs ache right now doesn't necessarily mean they're growing though. I should think legs stop growing when the rest of you does.
Reply 3
Im 17, 18 in 6 weeks tomorrow and my legs recently have been giving me growing pains. I feel tired all the time and hungry! is it a possibility im growing! im about 5-1 or 5-2?
Reply 4
sounds like it. Altho I was 6' tall at 13. and never got any taller.
If you're female don't your legs stop growing 2 years aftet you start your period or something? Or am I making this up? :s-smilie:
Reply 6
erm i hope not as i started at 11 and that means they stopped at 13! i dont think sno as ive grown since then and ive grown about an inch since august 2004 lol x i hope i am growing sick of being a short bum x
Reply 7
If you're female don't your legs stop growing 2 years aftet you start your period or something? Or am I making this up? :s-smilie:

perhaps. I got the painters in when I was 13, stopped growing at 13. Legs, that is. Boobs and butt then grew. Stupid hormones.
Reply 8
painters lol, nah my boobs came first i was an early developer anyway back to the topic sarah hehe
I hope they keep on growing until you're 20, there's hope for me yet! Although I don't think I've grown since I was 14 and started smoking :rolleyes: , so maybe not.
Reply 10
My Dad was about 5'4 until he was 18. Then he grew to 5'10. It's possible.