The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Sorry to hear ur feeling like that! but we need a little bit more info? age, sex or u at school college etc? how bout chatting to a counsellor and u can make more friends by joining clubs and stuff ! hope u feel better soon xx
Reply 2
i feel so lonely liek i havent got anyone to talk to! any1 got advice i want more friends but dont know where to start?? i only have about 4 friends :mad: i dont getdown on all the time only some of the time, any advice?

i feel exactly the same, any help would be welcommed as im stuck on how to meet new ppl too
Reply 3
Hey like someone said before..why don't you go out and meet people..join clubs or take up a new interesting hobby..because there you'll meet people who share the same interests as you and you'll make more friends! Don't worry you're not the only people who feel lonely, even people with loads of people around them feel lonely, you'll probably only meet your true friends later on in life, like they say best things come to those who wait.
Reply 4
Yeah, best thing to do is just get yourself out there. Swallow your shy-ness and just, if you're at school, go to the social areas and attempt to intigrate yourself- if you're at Uni, just join clubs where you will meet friends. :smile:
Reply 5
i don't even have 4 friends.. they are more like 'aquaintences' who i don't see too often.. i'm not that close to anyone.
chin up chuck.
Reply 6
Exactly, 4 good friends is better than 100 acquaintances. I'd be happy to have 4 friends i feel i could confide in and trust - appreciate what you have as one day you might not have it.
Reply 7
Be happy and get out there and make some, go for it.
Reply 8
Have you thought about drama.. when I started my new school like 2 years ago I went to take part in a production and I met millions of people then you jus casually ask them hey you want to come round mine to night for tea or you want to come see a film or have sleepover! something like that.. or get a job and meet some new people. If you have the attidtude no one likes you then thats the wrong one to have because it rubs off on other people. Even if you really hate the thought of going to clubs etc jus try it. It's also vital you make friends and develop your social and communication skills because we all need friends to rely on and have fun with!
Reply 9
Yeah, best thing to do is just get yourself out there. Swallow your shy-ness and just, if you're at school, go to the social areas and attempt to intigrate yourself- if you're at Uni, just join clubs where you will meet friends. :smile:

By experience, when you're younger and at school usually all the idiots get together. Ie, if she follows that advice she will get with some dumbasses.

Just experience and opinion though lol.
Reply 10
By experience, when you're younger and at school usually all the idiots get together. Ie, if she follows that advice she will get with some dumbasses.

Just experience and opinion though lol.

you will never hear this again, but i semi-agree.