The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Where is the "I don't care, so long as he is a lovely person?" option?
Reply 2
Where is the "I don't care, so long as he is a lovely person?" option?

I didn't see that option in the ones about girls bodies, so it isn't here either :p:
I didn't see that option in the ones about girls bodies, so it isn't here either :p:

:biggrin: - Good comeback.
quite skinny..i saw that cos my bf is :smile:

i'd love him either way tho..

and my ex was more muscular

so it varies
Reply 5
:biggrin: - Good comeback.
It was requested!! It wasn't in a bunch of other polls too - why is there no option for people who don't really give a toss what type of bod men have?
Reply 6
I like muscular/quite chunky guys. Mainly cos they have big shoulders :smile:.
Reply 7
I like slim & average types, like skateboarders or soccer players. I also like guys with long legs...
Reply 8
I like slim lean mean. So that doesnt fit into any of those categories really!
Reply 9
well im not a girl but skinny all the way
It was requested!! It wasn't in a bunch of other polls too - why is there no option for people who don't really give a toss what type of bod men have?

I could liken that to political apathy... :biggrin: But that would be confusing and out of place :smile: .
Reply 11
it's funny. i've always had a maaaajor thing for rugby boys. yum.

however my bf is as skinny as. a size 8 skirt was too big for him [yes. it depressed me too]

so i went average to balance out the 2 :biggrin:
Reply 12
Average for me :biggrin:
Hmmm, average so they have a few muscle's but nothing major! Tall with broad shoulders is always nice!