The Student Room Group

First kiss

Kind of embarrassing, but il tell u anyway.... :biggrin:

Ive just started going out with this guy and its the first time that ive actually felt quite strongly about someone. Thing is, we've been seeing each other a lot and i just have a feeling that the right time is coming up for us to have our first kiss. But im just so nervous because we like each other a lot and im not sure what its gona go like and what we'r gona think of each other when it happens. Is there any advice that would help to relax me and make it go well, especially since its never happened before?

Thanks guys :biggrin: :afraid: :blushing: :blushing:

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You will both probably implode! :p:
Reply 2
Go with the flow...

I can't really tell you how to do it - it's not something which can be explained, particularly in text. Just make sure your comfortable and you should be fine.

And don't worry if you don't know how to do it, have fun practising together :wink:
Reply 3
i spose.......... but its still not helping! :frown:
Reply 4
Better when you dony plan or expect it :wink:

You'll be all over eachother after the first :smile:
That's really sweet! You know what, the best thing to do is just to be relaxed and realise he is probably a little nervous too. Also less can be more when it comes to kissing - initially anyway.
jus dnt stick ur tongue in right away
All you have to do is relax. It'll come naturally, don't worry. Everyone has a first kiss.
Reply 8
Awwww wow thanx guys, i really appreciate ure help!
Keep the advice coming!......... :biggrin:
Reply 9
hug him.

then move your head slowly from his shoulder towards his face.

Go with the flow.

Trust me, if you both want too this is a low risk and nice way, it doesn't require any great leaps of faith as such. It would be easy to back out without feeling awkward.

Hopefully you won't need too, if you start kissing don't go too over the top. most importantly just do what feels comfortable.
Reply 10
hug him.

then move your head slowly from his shoulder towards his face.

Go with the flow.

Trust me, if you both want too this is a low risk and nice way, it doesn't require any great leaps of faith as such. It would be easy to back out without feeling awkward.

Hopefully you won't need too, if you start kissing don't go too over the top. most importantly just do what feels comfortable.

i agree with this
Reply 11
well if its our first time, i dont think il go over the top! its just the build up to it and the actual kiss that worries me, and if everything will go well or not!!!
Gosh who wud have thought it requires such thought!
I just want it to be naturally magical :smile:
Reply 12
ohhhh how sweet :smile:) i remember my 1st kiss :smile: i were so nervouss!!!
don't worry about it.. it will come naturaly... as others said go with the flow
Reply 13
il try goin with the flow, but is it not easier said than done? :confused:
theres no "technique" involved in kissing to be honest everyone does it differently. best advice to get all cosy with the girl/guy first dont go straight into the full blown snog. i remember when i was in school and basically the guys would just walk over, grab your arse and go in for the kill tounges blazing. not a good approach. just close your eyes and take it nice and slow.
Reply 15
hmmm getting cosy with him sounds like a good idea actually, because it mite make me more relaxed!
Reply 16
Definately agree with the getting cosy beforehand! :smile: Snuggle up together! I know it's what everyone says and doesn't make it seem easier, but trust me, if the time's right it does come naturally.
Reply 17
If it feels alright with you, he probably feels the same.
Reply 18
i remember when i was in school and basically the guys would just walk over, grab your arse and go in for the kill tounges blazing. not a good approach. just close your eyes and take it nice and slow.

Ahhh takes me back. Kids eh. My first kiss just kinda happened which was probably best because i over think things a lot. My advice to you has been given above anyway
Reply 19
ok only advice i can give you is mirror what he is doing and dont use loads of tongue because thats just grose eeewwww!! good luck