The Student Room Group

Insurance choice grades being higher than firm. Is this possible?...

...and do you have to go to your firm if you meet the grades? or could you decline and go to your insurance? I say this because I have a dilema.

I have an offer from Nottingham (for management) of ABB, but am awaiting an offer (hopefully from Warwick) which should theoretically be AAB. Now Nottinghams accommodation is done by 1st come 1st serve and quite often people who put down Nottingham as their insurance get put off campus which would suck so much. Warwick isnt done like this and everyone is put into accommodation at the same time so doesn't matter if its your firm or insurance. So, theoretically, could i put Nottingham as my firm of ABB and get the accommodation I want and have Warwick as my insurance and if i get the grades for Warwick decline Nottinghams offer and go to Warwick or would I have to go to Nottingham? And if I didn't get AAB i could go to Nottingham with decent accommodation?

Is anyone here able to help?
Reply 1
If you get the grades for your Firm choice you are supposed to go there. However I have readon on this website you can contact your firm choice and ask them to release you meaning you could go to your insurance. Apperently though this takes a long time and is quite un-common. x
Reply 2
Quite simply, if you'd rather go to Warwick than Nottingham, you need to put Warwick as your firm and Nottingham as your insurance.

If you put them the other way round, you won't be able to go to Warwick, you will have to go to Nottingham. Even if you are released by Nottingham (which they don't have to do) it's unlikely Warwick would accept you, you'd have to try and get in there through clearing.

You're just going to have to accept the problem with the Nottingham accomodation.
Yeah, you are obliged to take your firm choice if you meet their requirements grade wise. However, you can ask your firm choice to release you into clearing (I had to do this). Before you do this, contact your insurance choice & check that they will except you because they don't legally have to. Then you need to get them to accept you. It sounds a lengthy process but it isn't too bad. It's just a bit nerve wracking when your released into clearing & you have no definate place. Eeeeek!
Reply 4
As mentioned you will always be given your firm (F) choice unless you take action that allows them to release you. However, if you do not meet the grades of your firm choice, you cannot have your insurance choice of Warwick either since the grades will be higher, hence the insistence of insurance choices having lower grade requirements. However, I can see why you made this choice, the best course of action is simply to achieve the best grades.