The Student Room Group



Sorry for the lack of a decent title, wasn't sure how best to describe it. First off, a little about me - i'm 18, just started university, never had any decent relationship, at least not past about Y8-9 (13-14 years old?).

I think I have confidence issues mainly - i'm definately not the best looker, and I could do with losing a few pounds, but i'm not *that* bad overall in my opinion. I was really confident (could quite easily do acting in school plays and stuff) until this one girl who seemed intent on destroying my confidence.

(i'll add, this was the same sorta time - 14 years old) - fair enough, she probably didn't intend to to it, and we were just kids, but I was infatuated, and she got me to do everything for her, saying it was to proove I fancied her - the final straw was when she told me to ask her out in front of the whole class and she'd say yes. I did, in front of 35 people and she said no (yes, stupid thing to do, but I was only 14 :tongue:)

Its never affected me conciously, but after getting humiliated over that for about a year (and on off till I left that school), I couldn't face up to asking people out again, so I just didn't.

Theres also a very complicated backstory involving another two of my friends, that happened about a year ago and knocked me further, but I don't think the details are relevant.

Anyway, fast forward to now. I still have no confidence - I feel lonely, although not to depressed levels.

I also get worried that when I meet someone, I'm going to come off really badly - one of my flatmates asked if I had a problem with them, as (shortening) whenever they've been 'touchy-feely' with me, i've not reciprocated - its not that I don't want to, I'm just scared i'll misjudge the situation, I just feigned illness and said I was feeling a bit off.

I'm not quite sure why i'm posting this, its 4:15am, I do wierd things when i'm tired. Anybody have any tips or ideas on how I can achieve any of the following (possibly linked?)

1) Gain confidence
2) Meet women (and approach them... I can't even think about talking to someone in a group)
3) Talk to people in general without sounding wooden (I'm OK with people I know)

Anyway, apologies for the long winded post, I've just been feeling a bit down the past week, and don't have anyone I can talk to offline (another of my problems, i'm so closed now that people think I'm being cold - but another story for another day!)

edit: can the title be changed to confidence?
Well, to try and gain confidence, maybe you could join a club/society at university in something you're interested in, because everyone in the society would share similar interests and hence you could use something that you already know about to start getting to know people. I just think this would be easier than just randomly going up to people to start a conversation, because you'll always have something to talk about, so it would be the starting point to help rebuild your confidence. Over time, you'll be much better with talking to people and maybe you'll meet a nice girl in your club/society - who knows? Anyhows, I just thought the main place to start would be rebuilding your confidence, and once that happens, points 2) and 3) will follow suit.

Also, if you want to feel a bit more confident about your appearance, then join the gym and shed a few pounds/tone up. Exercise helps to release endorphins (the same chemical that is released during sex), and will cheer you up, so you'll look better and feel better about life, which should impact on your confidence. Anyhows, it's 4.20am and I'm probably rambling, but I hope that this advice will be somewhat helpful. :smile:
Reply 2

Sorry for the lack of a decent title, wasn't sure how best to describe it. First off, a little about me - i'm 18, just started university, never had any decent relationship, at least not past about Y8-9 (13-14 years old?).

I think I have confidence issues mainly - i'm definately not the best looker, and I could do with losing a few pounds, but i'm not *that* bad overall in my opinion. I was really confident (could quite easily do acting in school plays and stuff) until this one girl who seemed intent on destroying my confidence.

(i'll add, this was the same sorta time - 14 years old) - fair enough, she probably didn't intend to to it, and we were just kids, but I was infatuated, and she got me to do everything for her, saying it was to proove I fancied her - the final straw was when she told me to ask her out in front of the whole class and she'd say yes. I did, in front of 35 people and she said no (yes, stupid thing to do, but I was only 14 :tongue:)

Its never affected me conciously, but after getting humiliated over that for about a year (and on off till I left that school), I couldn't face up to asking people out again, so I just didn't.

Theres also a very complicated backstory involving another two of my friends, that happened about a year ago and knocked me further, but I don't think the details are relevant.

Anyway, fast forward to now. I still have no confidence - I feel lonely, although not to depressed levels.

I also get worried that when I meet someone, I'm going to come off really badly - one of my flatmates asked if I had a problem with them, as (shortening) whenever they've been 'touchy-feely' with me, i've not reciprocated - its not that I don't want to, I'm just scared i'll misjudge the situation, I just feigned illness and said I was feeling a bit off.

I'm not quite sure why i'm posting this, its 4:15am, I do wierd things when i'm tired. Anybody have any tips or ideas on how I can achieve any of the following (possibly linked?)

1) Gain confidence
2) Meet women (and approach them... I can't even think about talking to someone in a group)
3) Talk to people in general without sounding wooden (I'm OK with people I know)

Anyway, apologies for the long winded post, I've just been feeling a bit down the past week, and don't have anyone I can talk to offline (another of my problems, i'm so closed now that people think I'm being cold - but another story for another day!)

edit: can the title be changed to confidence?

Sounds like you've already got interest from women, you flatmate obviously likes you otherwise she wouldnt of been touchy-feely with you then got a complex about it afterwards. Maybe you should speak to her, she sounds nice and caring enough to worry that you had issues with her when she was playing around. The good thing about having girls as friends is they can introduce you to more of their race :smile:

If you enjoyed drama and things as a kid why dont you get back into it?
if not joining some drama club, why dont you just practice on random people?

A bar job in a nightclub would actually be good for your confidence. You have to speak to loads of different people all day, its also a good place to meet girls as being one of the few sober people within the club and being able to hold a decent level of conversation you're already above some of the rest by default! seriously recommend it. You can practice your speaking to people there as well, start of by doing some play acting with people to build your confidence, if you say something daft, it doesnt really matter. everyone says daft things. what have you got to lose?
Reply 3
When you meet people for the first time smile, be interested in what they have to say and make 'small talk' a little bit, which'll then develope. If you find yourself stuck for things to say ask them questions about themselves (What music are you into? Where are you from originally then? How do you know x the host?Have you been to x on a Wednesday night yet? The beer's only 50p there ...) This will divert the attention away from any tonguetiedness (that a word?) you might be feeling, plus people love taking about themselves as they're experts in that field. They'll be flattered and you'll come off as good conversationalist, interested etc. (as long as you don't bombard them with qs like What was your first pet?/Do tyou support the Lib Dems etc.? which'd just be Inquisition-stylee.) Ooh, and when they give any answers you can use use these little nuggets as a 'hook' into the next thing.. ie. 'I'm into Indie' 'Have you heard the latestx album' 'Yeah, though I don't think it's as good as...' Bingo! Conversation!

As for women, myself being a young one, I would say: You see them & think 'Ooh, fancy a bit of her, ' or whatever blokes think, make eye contact a little bit from across room if you're in a club/ bar and if she looks back/smiles or whatever reciprocate. (I find confidence to do this really sexy personally.) If/ when she approaches bar to get a drink try and start a conversation or just smile at her more. In club, whatever you do (!) don't just shimmy up behind said laydee and start grinding your crotch against her. That doesn't make women collapse at your feet and start begging 'Take me now',contrary to some guys beliefs. At a house party or whatever just start up a chat and offer to top up her glass.

PS: If you're not confident, fake it. I know plenty of seemignly confident friends who just 'walk the walk', you'll just start to act like it naturally then.

Sorry if the advice is a bit general mate, it's early and I've just woken up! I'm sure you're an interesting, nice bloke though. Just have confidence in what you say and do and people will appreciate you for yourself. As previous post said laydees obvioulsy like you if all touchy feely (wink wink nudge nudge!) Goodluck honey xxx
When you meet people for the first time smile, be interested in what they have to say and make 'small talk' a little bit, which'll then develope. If you find yourself stuck for things to say ask them questions about themselves (What music are you into? Where are you from originally then? How do you know x the host?Have you been to x on a Wednesday night yet? The beer's only 50p there ...) This will divert the attention away from any tonguetiedness (that a word?) you might be feeling, plus people love taking about themselves as they're experts in that field. They'll be flattered and you'll come off as good conversationalist, interested etc. (as long as you don't bombard them with qs like What was your first pet?/Do tyou support the Lib Dems etc.? which'd just be Inquisition-stylee.) Ooh, and when they give any answers you can use use these little nuggets as a 'hook' into the next thing.. ie. 'I'm into Indie' 'Have you heard the latestx album' 'Yeah, though I don't think it's as good as...' Bingo! Conversation!

As for women, myself being a young one, I would say: You see them & think 'Ooh, fancy a bit of her, ' or whatever blokes think, make eye contact a little bit from across room if you're in a club/ bar and if she looks back/smiles or whatever reciprocate. (I find confidence to do this really sexy personally.) If/ when she approaches bar to get a drink try and start a conversation or just smile at her more. In club, whatever you do (!) don't just shimmy up behind said laydee and start grinding your crotch against her. That doesn't make women collapse at your feet and start begging 'Take me now',contrary to some guys beliefs. At a house party or whatever just start up a chat and offer to top up her glass.

PS: If you're not confident, fake it. I know plenty of seemignly confident friends who just 'walk the walk', you'll just start to act like it naturally then.

Sorry if the advice is a bit general mate, it's early and I've just woken up! I'm sure you're an interesting, nice bloke though. Just have confidence in what you say and do and people will appreciate you for yourself. As previous post said laydees obvioulsy like you if all touchy feely (wink wink nudge nudge!) Goodluck honey xxx

I wish someone would ask me that. I love politics... and I support the Lib Dems :smile:.
Reply 5
i had a gf who was kinda like you are. I liked her loads but basically she had no self confidence and became paranoid that i was just using her until someone better ran along. It didnt last as you might guess when it really could have. When you meet someone dont mess it up like her please
1) Gain confidence
Corny, but you've got to believe in yourself. Find your strengths, and play to them, be comfortable with who you are. Say to yourself I am a strong / moral / smart / funny person. Option 2 - alcohol

2) Meet women (and approach them... I can't even think about talking to someone in a group)
Friends of friends, perhaps to get you going, try talking to women online, say , internet flirting is great for the novice, because you can really think about what you say and you're less likely to come across as nervous, This will build your confidence!
3) Talk to people in general without sounding wooden (I'm OK with people I know)

Relax, there's no easy way to relax in someone's company, and everyone does it differently; personally, I read alot into psychology, so I'm reading all the body language around me, quite funny, esp at partys etc.

Best of luck!