The Student Room Group

can't wake up

i have missed about a totall of 2 weeks with all the days added up from college and i just cant wake up! please dont laugh cos i am sitting here crying cps i really cant afford to miss all these days off college. i have such a messed up sleeping pattern which isnt helping, i have two alarms which i both switch off while im still asleep and it is really getting me down, im sitting here crying cos it makes me feel so useless and i just cant take it any more

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Reply 1
I have the opposite problem, I cant sleep...

When do you normally sleep? Also, what do you do in the 1-2 hours before that?
Reply 2
i no how you feel, i switch my alarms off in my sleep to!! can you not put the alarm on the other side of the room so you actually have to move to turn it off?? Then once you're up force yourself to stay awake- once you're awake you feel better!
Reply 3
If this is serious because I know sometimes we can't all get out of bed there is an actually medical condition for this and if it is serious I should tell someone and maybe get a doctor to come round and see you.
ive tried to force myself to wake up before but it just doesnt work i just end up falling asleep again :mad:
Reply 5
I have this problem - made me miss an important test the other day :frown: I'm getting better though.

Helps that I now have 6 alarm clocks, for use on those really important days, hidden around the room :smile:

Also, have you tried going to sleep earlier? I'm curious, it was always suggested to me as a way of 'waking up earlier', but it didn't really work...
Reply 6
I suffer from the same problem. I have 3 alrams. A radio, my phone, and an alarm clock...And I still dont wake up
Reply 7
put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get up to it turn off and go to bed earlier.
Reply 8
yeah i'll try the clock idea
Reply 9
well place the clock where you have to get up and put it off and make sure it's really loud.i've been having odd sleeping patterns as well lately.i always get up two hours after i fell asleep and then at 6am in the's soo frustrating! i end up being sleepy all dat :mad:
Reply 10
do you have anybody that could wake you up as a precaution? e.g. parents, flatmate, etc?
I hate not being able to sleep or wake up; sadly the only way I can only ever be certain of falling asleep when I want and waking up when I want, is if I have a few drinks (Rum n coke usually) before i want to go to sleep; unhealthy I know, so i only do it when i *have* to be up the next day.
Reply 12
Go to bed earlier perhaps, make sure you get your seven/eight hours,
Try not to worry (easier said than done) as stress is not going to help the situation *hugs*
Reply 13
you might have glandular fever, that makes you stay in bed for a long time. go and see your doctor and you can have a test done. but, if you just think it is just that you dont hear the alarm then yes, put an alarm on the other side of the room, preferrably to conincide with one near your bed in case the one on the other side of the room doesnt wake you up on your own if youre a heavy sleeper . . .
Reply 14
i'm sure you've heard this before but try reading, listening to music, having a bath o'r something that relaxes you before going to bed. I can't seem to get up that easily either but I sit up once I'm awake to stop me from going back to sleep.
another idea is to have a cold shower to wake u up in the morning and have a nice cup of tea. always works a treat. but seriosously if you just cant drag yourself out of bed in the mornings you should see a doctor, cuz u might be rundown. get your mum to physically shift your bum out of bed in the morning as well....i used to do that until i came to uni
Reply 16
you might have glandular fever, that makes you stay in bed for a long time. go and see your doctor and you can have a test done. but, if you just think it is just that you dont hear the alarm then yes, put an alarm on the other side of the room, preferrably to conincide with one near your bed in case the one on the other side of the room doesnt wake you up on your own if youre a heavy sleeper . . .

i do not have glandular fever :rolleyes:
Buy any Sagem mobile phone, the alarm is a cockerel crowing and a cheesy little flute noise... it's extremely loud and it actually scares me into waking up.
Reply 18
Buy any Sagem mobile phone, the alarm is a cockerel crowing and a cheesy little flute noise... it's extremely loud and it actually scares me into waking up.

:biggrin: I remember those says well. Although it may give you a heart attack instead of actually waking you up!
i have missed about a totall of 2 weeks with all the days added up from college and i just cant wake up! please dont laugh cos i am sitting here crying cps i really cant afford to miss all these days off college. i have such a messed up sleeping pattern which isnt helping, i have two alarms which i both switch off while im still asleep and it is really getting me down, im sitting here crying cos it makes me feel so useless and i just cant take it any more

thats exactly what I used to be like, I used to be a total nightowl, Mornings are for bed! but I worked out that If it was work, I could get up in the morning, whereas if it was studies i'd stay in bed. So I decided to see if I could play some mind games with myself so got an early morning job... which i do each morning from 5.45-6.45, and now my sleep pattern is such that the other day I set my alarm wrong and woke up automatically!

I'm actually quite proud of myself for being able to do this, its a total acheivement !! LOL