The Student Room Group

tampons - help

i just tried using one with an applicator, and it was a mini one as i know u should start off with the easy ones...but it just won't go in...i don't know why it won't work. i managed to get it one quarter up...very painfully...then i kept moving it around hoping it'll go further up, but it wouldn't...and it was even more painful getting it out!

suggestions PLS!
Reply 1
This may be because your hymen has not been broken. It gets broken through sex, horseriding,strenous excersise etc. Are you standing in the right position put your leg up on the loo seat and try putting it in (sorry to be graphic) Also maybe tampons rnt for you!? There not for all people I jus like to use sanitary towels.. Also remember when using a tampon you have to take it out at every 4 hours to avoid toxic syndrome.
dont worry loads of girls struggle to use tampons at first, i was in tears when i first tried because i just cudnt get it in and it was really painfull. Try sitting on the toliet and use a mirror so that u can see what your doing. Tampax compact might be worth you trying because the applicators actually really smooth plastic so its really comfortable to put in. Hope this helps! x
Reply 3
thanks miss_buttercup...but it still hurts from having pulled it out!...think it'll take a while for me to try again!
I had a similar problem- it took me ages to finally get the hang of it! I think that for me it was psychological- one day I was like "OK, I AM going to do this today! And I did. Make sure to try when your flow is heaviest.

Good Luck
Reply 5
Are you inserting is correctly? I know when I first tried applicator tampons I thought you were just meant to touch the tip of the applicator to the opening of my vagina then push it in. I didnt realise you had to push the applicator in first!

As someone has already said, try sitting on the toilet, sqautting, or I find placing one leg on the toilet seat in a slightly stooped position is best for me. Try to relax your pelvic muscles, i know it sounds gross but imagine you're doing a poo, that might help. Take deep breaths aswell!
Reply 6
Ok, first things first - make sure you're aiming correctly. Also, what someone said about trying it when your flow is heaviest is also true, other times your vagina is probably just too dry. Also - relax! Very important. Deep breaths and make sure you're in a good position.
Reply 7
but...thats what i mean...i don't know where to aim and if i've got it right...i did try pushing the whole applicator in, but it wouldn't go in anywhere! :s
but...thats what i mean...i don't know where to aim and if i've got it right...i did try pushing the whole applicator in, but it wouldn't go in anywhere! :s
you could just be small... i didnt used to be able to use them!
Reply 9
Just try crouching and maybe use a mirror. It's at the very bottom, you can't really see a hole or anything but its the only place you can fit sth in (was a bit confusing to me the first time as to where it goes). Shove it towards the top of your bum, that kinda angle. :smile: Mini ones with applicators (Tampax) are the right ones to use. It'll get better soon (taking them out is more painful at first cos it swells).

Sorry misquoted someone there. Just wanted to say the hymen has nothing to do with it.
Reply 10
I've given up on them - trying to use them was too painful. I'll try again when I've finally gotten rid of my hymen...
Reply 11
thanks for all your advice...I will give it another go when I find the courage!
i just tried using one with an applicator, and it was a mini one as i know u should start off with the easy ones...but it just won't go in...i don't know why it won't work. i managed to get it one quarter up...very painfully...then i kept moving it around hoping it'll go further up, but it wouldn't...and it was even more painful getting it out!

suggestions PLS!

I got a tampon stuck up my nose once! It took a week to come out! :smile:
Reply 13
I got a tampon stuck up my nose once! It took a week to come out! :smile:
*doesn't know whether to laugh or to be worried about your poor soul* :p: