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go with the flow...
Reply 2
hey anonymous i started a thread extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely similar to this, why dony u just read that one?
Reply 3
yeah i read it but its not graphic enough....any tips
Reply 4
Start with your lips slightly parted. Gently move your lips together on the other person's lips. Then just carry on as you want to...
Reply 5
lol anonymous, il join in as wel, but what if u bite them? :redface:
Reply 6
lol anonymous, il join in as wel, but what if u bite them? :redface:

You know, unless you're kissing really roughly, teeth don't tend to come into it!! Also - there is nothing more horrible than to have a first kiss ruined by somebody trying to ram his tongue down your throat - hold the tongues for a little while!!! Don't try to be too aggressive, just take it slowly and gently.
Reply 7 more confusaed than i was before now
Reply 8
cool adive peoples ...
any more advice... long it shud last....what to do with tongue and shud i caress their tongue n lips etc?
Reply 9
AsianAngel more confusaed than i was before now

What are you confused about?


cool adive peoples ...
any more advice... long it shud last....what to do with tongue and shud i caress their tongue n lips etc?

No rules, it can last as long as you want it to last. Basically that's right with the tongue, but again don't be too rough to start with. But there's no real technique that's right as such, you just have to pick things up as you go along!!
Reply 10
lol, just the whole thing really! i dont know if its just because ive never dun it before, and im thinking about disasters that probably wont even happen!
Reply 11
lol, just the whole thing really! i dont know if its just because ive never dun it before, and im thinking about disasters that probably wont even happen!

Nothing to worry about. I know it seems like a big deal until you've actually kissed someone, but everyone has a first kiss! Disasters won't happen - the worst that ever happens is a bit of teeth collision.
Reply 12
Thats true i suppose, every1 has a first kiss!
Reply 13
yeah good advice
thanks guys...great help...
im seeing her in 45 mins
wish me luck
good luck! :smile:
Reply 15
lol anonymous, for some reason i thought u were a gal!
Reply 16
Good luck! :smile:
ooo first kiss nerves, that takes me back
Reply 18
ooo first kiss nerves, that takes me back

This is such a sweet thread. I remeber my first kiss...horrible. :blush:
Reply 19
Remember to incline your head to one side.