So i'm told that you're not supposed to pick at whiteheads, just leave them alone.. but what happens to them and what hapens to the stuff inside them.. do they just dry up and fall off or do they just disappear or what!?
they just disappear back where they came from i guess
LOL at this answer.
Whiteheads and spots etc are bacterial infections. They dissapear once your immune system has destroyed the bacterial infection, then after that occurs the heads just drop off as flakey skin.
I always squeeze my white headed spots, the white 'puss' is the bacteria. Although when I say squeeze I don't mean pick at it, use the proper technique or it leaves a scar. Also make sure you have anti-baterial liquid like TCP to hand although it isn't a requirement. Then just rub off the white puss with a tissue or cotton wool (dabbing it in TCP if you have it to hand).
Blackheads and non-headed spots are the ones to avoid.
Whiteheads and spots etc are bacterial infections. They dissapear once your immune system has destroyed the bacterial infection, then after that occurs the heads just drop off as flakey skin
I love squeezing my whiteheads, and my blackheads, kinda sick but who carrres =D You always get that satisfied feeling afterwards!
Yeh lol, few better feelings than noticing a big spot during the day and getting home, standin in front of a mirror and poppin it. pus everywhere. u know u love it!
You should squeeze your whiteheads o9r they'll turn into this huuuse black thing, im not joking btw i had one before whn i was too young to know what to do with it