The Student Room Group
I use Biore warming blackhead fighting cream cleanser that I'm finding really good, along with Tea Tree strips, but i dont know how well they'll work on bits other than the nose. You want a cleanser that clears your pores, then a toner that tightens them =D You can also get a blackhead remover from somewhere like Body shop, which is a piece of metal witha tiny little hole on it, that you push onto the blackhead forcing thme out, I haven't tried one of those though so dont know how welll they work
have a hot hot shower which will open the pores. get a piece of toilet roll and using your index fingers gently squeeze them. this should work if not there are numerous blackhead products on the market at the moment as well as using them pore strip things.
hope this helps
Reply 3
No no no don't touch blackheads! Use clearasil blackhead clearing scrub or something.

get a piece of toilet roll and using your index fingers gently squezze them
WTF? Thats for whiteheads only surely?
Blackheads don't produce puss and AFAIK they are too small to be squeezed..
WTF? Thats for whiteheads only surely?

not necessarily......its just pushing the trapped dirt to the surface
You can squeeze them like spots as it's expelling the sebum etc which is blocking the pore in the first place. I know a few people on here rave about those metal wans from the Body Shop, I thought it wasn't so useful when I bought one.

Strips are good but I'm not sure you'd get the same adhesion on that part of your face....I'd say best bet is a facial or popping em out yourself and then try to prevent them reappearing. :smile:
Reply 6
but I don't think I can pop them. I tried before but they're quite deep in!
Duct tape! :biggrin:
You could try steaming your face first? This will open your pores and "loosen" the blackheads a wee bit.

A professional facial might be able to whack em out if that won't.
How do you get rid of them? I tried to squeeze some out but they seem to be too deep in my skin. They've been like this for a while now. will they just come up? or is there a way to get rid of them?? They're only on my philtrum (bit between mouth and nose) and nowhere else! They're not noticable unless i stretch the philtrum but it's annoying me.

Just exfoliate to cleanse your skin, which should stop them from appearing. Try one of those St Ives scrubs - they work really well.
I tried before but they're quite deep in!

thats probably because your pores arent open enought.
if your feeling flash you could pay to have a facial done in a local beauty palour, where they will be able to get rid of them for you. they can be preety expensive on a student budget thou
Reply 11
Duct tape! :biggrin:

eeeeek!! :nurse:
I haven't tried this but it might be better than the strips:
Reply 13
i would always recommend chemicals just cos i am like that
Steam your face and you can quite easily squeeze them out :smile: