The Student Room Group

chinese herbs

I have anxiety and saw this stall on the market selling medicine chinese herbs, I saw a bottle for anxiety and depression so asked about them. The chinese dude said take 10 of the pills 3 times a day for 2 weeks (the pills are only small balls) so Ive started taking them. He said that I should feel better in 2 weeks and then can stop taking them cause the 'being better' will last.

What do you think?
Reply 1
Well it's true that a lot of chinese medicines have been proven to work, but I would've at least found out what they are and googled it before buying. I would probably have bought it from a chinese medicine shop too or holland and barrets, rather than some random guy at a market. Do you know what it is you're taking or maybe you could describe them for someone else who might know.

All I will say is don't expect any miracles, but anything that gives you hope is worth a try, and like I say, sometimes these things do actually work.
Reply 2
I frown upon homeopathy but many of these drugs do have placebo effects which help.
Reply 3
is there one for pure hatred and anger? because i need it.
Reply 4
Im Chinese and I have never heard of such pills/herbs for depression :redface:
Reply 5
Reply 6
Im Chinese and I have never heard of such pills/herbs for depression :redface:

I'm English and have never heard of every single modern 'western' pharmaceutical for every single ailment, but whatever.
Reply 7
No, there are these herbs that work, but you never know. What you could have been sold may not be that...
Reply 8
Do you know the ingredients or anything? I doubt they'll be harmful but taking tablets you've bought off a random guy at a market seems a bit iffy too me, you won't have anyone to complain too if they have a bad effect
Reply 9
well are there any drugs that would work then? of course, doctor prescribed.. or off the shelf.. i'm not about to start dealing in weed... or crack.
Reply 10
I'm English and have never heard of every single modern 'western' pharmaceutical for every single ailment, but whatever.

I think chinese herbs are different and very common even among the chinese ppl. But the English ppl are not really intrested in all those stuffs in fact they prefer imported herbs to the ones here, so I think it is possible...being english doesn't matter but being chinese does.
Reply 11
well are there any drugs that would work then? of course, doctor prescribed.. or off the shelf.. i'm not about to start dealing in weed... or crack.
There are, I mean my mom had these spots growing from time to time and the 'western' antibiotics didn't work at all, so she went to try this proper chinese herbal medicines. After a few rounds, the spots all went. But u've got to go to the proper ones, some of them just claim they are when they aren't . and the proper ones can somtimes be very costly - my mom spent about 150 quid each month for half a year, just for the herbs


I think chinese herbs are different and very common even among the chinese ppl.
not quite true. most of us don't have a clue about the herbs. we have degree courses in Hong Kong to read Chinese medicine and its a 5-year course plus registration year to the government, similar to medicine course in the UK. Of cos, we also have medicine course in HK :wink:
Reply 12
You have to make sure that the drugs are authentic...

Otherwise, I think all Chinese doctors here have to be registered and undergo training as well.
Yep. Best to get it from a Chinese physician.
Reply 14
I dont know cos i have never used chinese herbs i use bach flower rescue remedie for anexiety and that works quite well