The Student Room Group
try thinking about happier things, y'know?
cos the thing about these kind of moods is that you just keep thinking about whatever it is that's buggin you and making you feel the way that you are.. :smile:
Reply 2
Firstly, I am sorry to hear this. I'm also sorry to hear about your father. My dad died 2 months after being diagnosed with cancer, so spend as much time as you can with him whilst you still can.

It sounds like you are a placater, you try to make everyone else feel good to the detriment of your own self happiness.

Perhaps you need to take a step back and think about why you do things - are they for you, or for your family, friends or others? Do you ever get a bit selfish and look out for number one?

To borrow from Everclear, you try to be everything to everyone, and perfect to boot. Beign perfect is exhausting, I know :wink:. But no-one will love you any less if you decide to be more proactive for yourself and not let everyone dump thier problems onto you.

With regard to sleeping, do you ever unwind? Try doing some excercise, jog for half an hour and just tune out, clear your mind.

WIth regard to your girl, you're 18 - you have the rest of your life to have sex. She's obv frightened by what has happened to her previously, so be careful and gentle with her. She will respect you for that. And will trust you enough when she is ready.

Anywho, thats my 2 cents. PM me if you have any other questions. And kudos for not clicking ANON - wooO!
Reply 3
Frag, I'm in the same boat as you. I just finished sitting my AS exams and completely ****** them up. Not because I'm stupid but because I just didn't study at all. I knew I needed too and if I had I would have got B's, possibly A's.

Like you I feel things around me are pointless. I want to do something that makes a difference. But I can't get to grips with what it is. I got a loving mum and sister who I always live with (My dad I don't know) but I still feel crap. Yet I have no reason too.

I'm rambling on now >.< so I'll end this post. Frag though, what you're feeling... you aren't alone out there.
I'll keep it short. There are some things you can't change in the short run. Your GF issues can't be solved overnight. Nor can your father's illness. What can be changed is your coping mechanism, which you say that you may have lost. So!

1. You can never, ever be everything to everyone.
2. Superman complex - I know this way too well. But you have to have some form of release. And I totally understand being in a position where you feel unable to seem fallible to the outside world. Either find a friend whom you totally trust, or may I even suggest counselling for an hour or so each fortnight - just as a more private outlet. SI = BAD BAD release so great that you're not going back to it. You need to talk.
3. Sleeping - how long has this been going on? Is it a case of ruining your sleep pattern or not sleeping, period? I found that my sleep patterns were screwed by stress last term, which then made me very ill, and then reduced my concentration/motivation too. It can build up in a cycle. I would talk to your doctor about it, who will be able to suggest solutions. Since I went on a week of sedatives, my sleep patterns have been much better and I feel far better as a result.

G'luck with it all :smile:
Cheers for reading guys and gals :smile: Just needed to vent. :smile: