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Reply 1
Umm, there are. I don't imagine it's much different for them than non-Asians.
Reply 2
Umm, there are. I don't imagine it's much different for them than non-Asians.

Maybe its a stupid topic but I just thought for Asians who are Muslim, and see how easy/hard it is for them to settle in. If I go out of town for Uni, I want to settle in quick.
one of my housemates is chinese and hes a preety cool guy with a large and diverse range of friends. hes setted down really well, as have the rest of us non asian people. to be honest there is no mentioning of peoples nationalities etc when your in uni
I dont see how life would be greatly different to non-asians. So maybe you wont go out boozing or partying (if you're Muslim), but there are non-asians who dont to this either. People come from all sorts of backgrounds.
Reply 5
Asians? In halls? Surely not....
I wonder what would happen if I started a thread saying 'Are there any white people living in halls?'

Of course there are bloody Asian people living in halls.It's the same for them as it is for anyone else.When I was at uni there were a few Asians in my halls and they were the same as everyone else,including going out and getting drunk.
There are lots of asians in hall. Some mix with everyone, and others stick in their own little group. However, I believe that in my hall there is a flat containing only Muslims, as they don't want any alcohol where they live. We did a challenge on the first night back where you have to have a drink in every flat and we didn't go in theirs because they didn't want alcohol in the flat, which was fair enough. What's more, everyone understood and thought that was fair enough. I shouldn't think being asian in hall is really a problem.
Reply 8
I think maybe I should have wrote more in my original post.

I just wanted to know Asian people and their experience in the halls. Have they enjoyed it, had any problems? That kind of thing....

Not as in, are there any Asians in halls? But their experiences, It would be nice to see how other people have settled in.

Apologies if folks misinterpreated my message.
I think maybe I should have wrote more in my original post.

I just wanted to know Asian people and their experience in the halls. Have they enjoyed it, had any problems? That kind of thing....

Not as in, are there any Asians in halls? But their experiences, It would be nice to see how other people have settled in.

Apologies if folks misinterpreated my message.

Surely Asians have had the same experience as everyone else though?

Christ I hate threads like this.Why create a racial/religious divide when there is no need to?
My brother has a friend who's just about the least typically "Asian" Asian person ever, living next to him in halls.
Hey everybody!

Any Asians here living in Uni Halls?

Im ATM, seriously giving thought of the possibility of moving away if I have to and wondered what life for the Asian students was like living in halls.

Im especially keen to hear from Asian females living in Uni's and how life's for them.

Look forward to hear your views.

No, there are no Asians living in halls - they are actually segregrated in terms of University accommodation and forced to live in tents and squalor in a public park not far from Uni. Only kidding, of course there are Asian people in halls, and I'm sure that theire experiences, etc are exactly/very similar to that of anyone else living in Halls.
why do muslims on this forum seem to always make pointless, threads... stop posting utter bollocks ffs...
lol :p: i have to agree with cherry chocolate about 'if i had posted is there any white people in halls' lmao :biggrin:
Asians? In halls? Surely not....

hahahahaha lmao.
How do you rep someone? i'd rep you if i knew how
there's all kinds of people living in halls, I can't imagine why anyone would think they need to be classified because they come fom a particular part of the world. yeah, I know life is different there, but life in halls is different from everything anyway :biggrin: unless you need a window facing Mecca or something, there shouldn't be a problem :wink:
Talk about unhelpful replies. The person was just asking about Asians and their experience living in halls. As you no doubt know, Asians and Europeans are not the same, so SOME differences must exist. Instead of making sarcastic remarks maybe one should just refrain from posting.
Reply 17
I'm sure there are mate.
Stop giving him grief for posting this thread.

It's a genuine concern that all Muslims have thought about. Smh.
Reply 19
er why wouldn't there be??.......