The Student Room Group
Reply 1

It's normal.
Reply 2
awesome, just checking, the schools just said ( it gets erect (didn't mention whethere or not its menat to be straight or not ))
Reply 3
i'm a righty which way do you curve?
Reply 4
i'll tell ya when it goes up next
Reply 5
Perfectly normal. Probably easier for clitoris stimulation too.
Reply 6
lots of willies do its normal but i wouldnt exactly say its funtimes

the best thing about my willy is that its absolutely dead straight
Reply 7
lots of willies do its normal but i wouldnt exactly say its funtimes

the best thing about my willy is that its absolutely dead straight

Is that possible? Surely it's not?
Reply 8
And enough about the comparing willy talk.
Well When my old penis Is erect it kinda cruves slightly, this happen to any other guys or is it normal :rolleyes:

Why not just go back to using your new one? :rolleyes: