The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hmmm,we don't do travel and tourism with edexcel, infact we aren't even offered it. What do you do?
Reply 2
im doing AS in Travel & Tourism with OCR. If you got any questions il try and help!
Reply 3
Yeh i do travel with edexcel! Its an ok course but its really hard to know whta to do for the coursework...Edexcel cant decide what they want from the C/Wk...our course work was maeked down by like 40/50 marks in total...its really hard to do what they want!! Exam is ok but c/wk is the problem!! Any more questions? lol!

Reply 4
how did you revise for your travel and tourism exam with edexcel? because at my school we haven't been taught it very well and don;t know where to start tbh
Reply 5
My Travel and Tourism teacher last year was s**t!! She didn't know anything so all we did was read and highlight the textbook. I did the exam in January 2013 and got a D, when I repeated the exam in June got an A because I did all the past papers I could find. I found that all the questions were recycled from previous years they just had a different case study! Also the mark schemes are so detailed - they tell you exactly what the examiner wants. I am going to use this technique when revising for my A2 exams in June!! Hope this helps =]
Reply 6
Are you sitting the exam on the 5th? this week?

I have mine then, just wondered if you have any more tips apart from going through past papers/mark schemes?

I've been making lots of que cards with key words, which have been really helpful.

All the suggestions will help!

Original post by lilal
Are you sitting the exam on the 5th? this week?

I have mine then, just wondered if you have any more tips apart from going through past papers/mark schemes?

I've been making lots of que cards with key words, which have been really helpful.

All the suggestions will help!


My exam is on the 5th as well for WJEC. I've been going through a number of past paper, they are utterly useful, especially if your lecturers don't really guide you much on exam techniques or extra tips. Just literally go straight to the point, be concise. Don't try to memorise too many cases studies because at the end of the day you'd only need no more than 3 in the whole exam, so what I do is I try to memorise 2 LEDC and 2 MEDC. Try research into what development processes have taken place over the last 50 years. And who how each destination minimises and maximises negative impacts.

Well I'm doing the Unit 5 impacts of tourism development, for you it could be different, but same techniques still applied though.
Reply 8
Good Luck Everyone sitting the exam tomorrow morning!!!
Reply 9
How did everyone find the exam??

I found it much better than expected! Loving edexcel this year, HATING AQA haha.